Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, August 11, 2008

Zack made me cry on my birthday....

I'm currently running on adrenalin.
Slept at 3.30am last night. Like a little child, i refused to go to bed cos i just didnt want my night to end!!!

No words could describe last night.. the best i could come up with are OVERWHELMINGLY SPECTACULAR!

I'm still reeling from it!!

In my 27 years of existence, no one ever came close to what Zack did for me last night. The indulgence, the generousity.. it's unbelieveable! i thought i was gonna die from it!!!

Zack planned a series of surprises for me. A post is in good order complete with pics.. i took tons! Rightfully deserves a good post. It's THE birthday of my lifetime! *glows*

Dinner was a whopping... $700!!! No it's not typo.. SEVEN-ZERO-ZERO! *faints* Zack had a discount card so thankfully we didnt have to pay that crazy sum! But the final bill was still a hefty sum.. *sigh* I didnt want any wine cos it's gonna be ex but Zack just gave me a wink and said.."its just once a year, just order what you like :)" awww..... *melts* So we had champagne!! but i refused another bottle of Evian ($21!) and red wine for the main.

And then Zack gave me my present.......

He probably didnt receive the kind of reaction he expected - screaming with joy.. hahaha. I was speechless... i could only manage a feeble.. "why... why did you buy me this?" then i started to tear...... *sigh* it was too much for my heart to handle.. twas close to bursting. I didnt know what to say.. i looked at Zack and was just speechless. Can anyone possibly love me this much? The surprise ride.. the extravagant dinner.. the lavish gift.. the planning, the over-the-top celebration.. all these for me? It's not the pricetag but the extent he will splurge on me... that leaves me in awe. I dont need luxuries.. just knowing that he wants to provide those for me.. is enough.. more than enough.

he said to me....
"you are worth everything.."

*heart sings*

(crap... i'm starting to tear!)

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