Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Gravely saddened.
Deeply shocked.

Relationship breaking down and it is the unlikeliest one. The second one of late but one pulled through by God's Grace. I hope this one will too. Shocked.. too shocked. One of the most stable relationship i've always admired. I feel so much for you.. i'm so sorry this happened. But i suppose no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. That the unlikeliest persons can surprise you. I dunno what to think. Not my place to judge. I can only pray that God will work his miracle on your marriage. From the very bottom of my heart, i wish you both the best.


so many whys, so many hows.
i guess no one can totally understand the why and the how. Things just happened. We cant control the actions and thoughts of someone. But we can on how we live our lives. I suppose marriage as marriage is.. always a gamble. You dunno when life will throw a curveball. And how well a marriage can handle itself depends on how strong its foundation is. I'm no expert here. Still learning. Still building our foundation.. layer by layer. I would like to think Zack and i are doing things right. We have many ups and little downs and strange as it sounds, it kinda worries me. Can our ship survive when the kraken comes? Not many test trials we have. Sometimes i tell Zack we should quarrel for the sake of quarelling. Oh that tension! (And the makeup sex is always good!) He thinks i'm nuts.. haha.


It always depresses me when i learn of such bad news. From people i care about. In the little perfect world residing in my head, bad things dont happen to good people. But sadly we live not in a perfect world. We live in a world where anything goes.. the good, the bad.. and everything in between.

i'm starting to stop making much sense. This tells me it's time i adjourn to bed.. with Neil Gaiman. It's a nice quiet night.. with a drizzle outside. How i wish my love is home with me.. but he is needed to save lives out there so i loan him to the world for tonight... just tonight.

work tomorrow..

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