Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Happy National Day!

It's raining! Lovely cool weather the entire afternoon.
hopfully it'll stop in time for the National Day Parade.

we watched the opening of the Olympics last night.
my.. i'm impressed with the works!
and watching all the various countries coming together..
imagining all of them coming together to sing praises to God!
how wonderful that will be!!!

we got the whole night all stacked up.
dinner at Bliss Cafe with Zack's parents and Adrian.
ahhhh... Zack told them it's for my bday *shy*
(you shouldnt have darling!)
then prawning with my sis and Andrew
my sis wanna do a countdown to my bday.. ahahahhaha!
awwwww.... no need lah! :P
then ending our night with the guys at Markys!

gonna be some night!

but i'm feeling a tad sleepy now...
must be the cough meds i took :S

I cant wait for tomorrow!!! *skips*

it resides behind this door......

oh i'm NOT opening it.. no i'm not.
it's a box!! I SAW IT!!!
it's in a paperbag.. but i could tell!

so i've been fishing for hints the whole week..

J: Soooo.... what should i wear on Sunday?? I have to dress appropriately to the place you are taking me *grins*
Z: Fine-dining.
J: OMG!! REALLY?!!!!!!!
Z: We'll go relieve our Paris days :) I know of a place that serves excellent foie gras. (he knows i love foie gras *touched*)
J: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glows*

And last night... i got one more hint!
and he had arranged for the best table in the restaurant!
oh my gosh.....

He said it's "like a proposal". He's taking me to somewhere nice then give me my present! *heart thumping*

whatever it is darling.. i love it already!

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