Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So i survived my first day of work.

if you asked me how i feel about my new job, i'd give you different answers at various times of the day.

i'm still hoping that Zack will open his Arnolds outlet then i can manage it and be the Lady Boss :D

So what did i do on my last day of freedom?

Zack and I went KITE FLYING!

Bought a kite from Bali and finally decided to have a go at it. It will be more enjoyable if the grass wasnt too bumpy and some areas werent muddy. Brought the 2 gals along and my... what a mess they were! haha. Didnt think they enjoyed too much cos Pappe hates getting dirty (she's a fussy princess) and the bumpy grassland proved a challenge for Chile's short legs.. haha. But they were good sports and ran/walked from one end of the field to the other with us. *squeeze them both tight tight*

Things to take note for our next kite flying session:
1) Wait til it hasnt rained in 2 days
2) Good wind
3) Long tail for the kite

We went home after an hour and Zack bathed the 2 of them while i cooked dinner. It was a nice homey routine :) We had a nice hearty home-cooked meal of Beef Rendang, Marmite Chicken and Sambal Ladys Fingers with egg. Cooked a little extra so i could pack a supperbox for Zack to bring to work. He doesnt mention it but i know he loves it when i does that :) The dogs also had chicken for dinner and knocked out right after.. haha.

Zack reminded me that he bought marmite awhile back so i decided to try my hand at Marmite Chicken!


it was actually a flop!
but the pic here looks good i decided to post it up... hahahah!
we thought some sweet sauce should be added to the mix.
marmite is just too salty on its own. *grimace*
nvm... there's always next time.

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