Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

4 days of gastronomic sins and extravagant living!

with puffy eyes and cobwebby head, we got ready and made our way to the airport.

what do you do while waiting for your friends at the airport? take pictures.

Le Fenix Hotel sure met our expectations.. it was really chic!

the lobby

zack and himmah... waiting for check-in.
only 1 room was ready.
so we checked out the hotel..

indoor pool... small though.

and at the rooftop, there is a chillout bar called THE NEST.

uh huh... beds! bet these mattresses dun have a speck of dustmite or bedbugs..

didnt bother waiting for them to ready our room so we deposited our luggage at Himmah and Fareena's room then made our way to Siam for some shopping.

we had lunch then split at Siam Discovery Centre and Zack and i went on to MBK!

mango sticky rice

and there's one thing in BKK i just so have to have....

and that is MBK's foodcourt MANGO JUICE!
i tell you.... its totally awesome!!!

our room 305! niceeeeeee..............

Samsung LCD TV
we dun see this model in Spore.. its white, so chio!

it was so frigging HOT and HUMID, we left at 1.30pm.
simply couldnt enjoy the place..
split camp again and met H&F back at the hotel.
guess what we did after Chatuchak?
We went back to hotel to nap!
zack went for a massage first though
i was too tired and sticky for one..

dinner at an Egyptian restaurant
EVERYTHING was in silver it was so blinding!
food was good though.

We all went to PATPONG after dinner. Said to have high grade fake goodies but goodness, they couldnt even get the LV logo right! Zack was indignant to see his Omega's fake counterparts.. haha. He should have just saved that few grand and buy a 100bucks fake.. hahaha! but sorry, no fakes for my man.. he is too atas :P


and my dear hubby saw a fish tank he simply cant live without *sigh*

At night..... @ THE NEST

wanted to go to Q Bar just opposite our hotel but it was close. I think it was only 1.30am then but that street was cleared! No one loitering around whatsoever. Strange. Apparently the clubs in BKK have a 1am curfew. So there wasnt anything else to do but...... back to hotel. Hahahaa.. it sure was a relaxing BKK trip for us. H&F's itinerary was more hectic cos Fareena has a shopping agenda.. haha.

Our last morning was spent... sleeping! hahahha.. thank goodness we got a lovely room (or perhaps that's why). We went out for brunch then head back to hotel to nap. We didnt plan it that way but that happened.. heh. We waited for Fareena to come back shopping with her friend Jackie then split camp again. This time, the guys went on to do whatever they like while we ladies do as we please!

Fareena and i spent our last afternoon in PLATINUM shopping centre. It was HUGE.. 5 levels of shops in 2 wings and all i bought was a dress and 1 pair of shoes. I'm getting real anal when it comes to clothes and shoes.. tsk tsk. This is bad.

What i was really looking forward to after shopping was SPA!

sure looked like a very popular spa retreat cos it was packed when we got there. Fortunately, we managed to get a slot without reservation and only waited 15mins.

we both did a 2.5hour Body Polish and Aromatherapy Massage (1600Baht - SGD72). It was so good that i fell asleep during the massage. Silky smooth skin now! Fareena raves about it non-stop :) I feel our Koh Samui spa experience still wins all hands down.

It was already 10pm when we're done so we made our way to meet the guys at SUAN LUM NIGHT BAZAAR for our seafood dinner. The guys were at KHAO SAN after an afternoon of massages and shisha. We poor gals had to wait almost an hour cos zack was buying a hammock at Khao San!

SUAN LUAM again.. but we like it there.. way better than Chatuchak.


after a hearty feast, zack and i went back to Khao San. Fareena was tired so they head back to hotel.

KHAO SAN - backpacker's paradise. You see all the weird stuff and people here. It has this festive aboriginal atmosphere which is so unique. Dirty streets, stools along the road where you can grab a beer and sit and tell your life story to strangers from half the world across. I likeeee!

plenty of roadside food too.
Mango sticky rice.. 25Baht! (SGD1).
fried maggots too.. almost took a pic when zack warned me a pic is 10baht!

zack buying more t-shirts.. He bought 8 in total!


Petrol kisok by day.
Chillout area by night.
Tealights aplenty..
Bonfire assuredly!

we took the Tuk Tuk back!

......the ride of our lives

smooch smooch in a tuk tuk

and we got a little.... ermm........ *giggles*

our hammock..
only 350baht (SGD16)!

what do you do when you got nothing to entertain yourself with and you're bored to your skull in the hotel room?

you disturb your hubby who is watching some medical channel by taking tons of photos of both of you.

our last meal in Bangkok....

380baht (SGD17) not dirt cheap but you cant find any better back home.
green curry was superb.
i love thai food!

anyone want an iphone for SGD313?

it looks like this.....

actual name: uphone
origin: korea

we were on the bridge that links to the various shopping centres.
just left MBK and wondering if we should go back...

"should i or should i not?"
we were standing there for like 10mins..... *yawns*

Get what?!


he is mine!!!

you know how you broaden your horizons when you travel.
mine was very much 'broadened'.
i saw first hand how PRCs (china nationals) are like.
i only have 2 words for them: Uncivilised Pigs

when they arrive, you'd think you got transported back to Chatuchak Market.
holy crap.. the din they made!
all it took was just 1 person to go up to the counter and the stampede began! It was really a stampede!
Fareena and i were caught in it.. but after sometime standing there like an idiot, i realised... there wasnt any flight attendant in the first place! wah lau... these people...

see the left: that's how normal civilised ppl queue up.
see the right: that's how uncivilised pigs push/nudge/elbow/squeeze.

we didnt even bother to queue, just sat back and watched the show. Highly entertaining. My only regret was not taking a video.

even the flight attendant was pissed, he gave priority to Singapore passports... yayyy! followed by other passports. The China passports were the last. Hahahahah! When we board the bus to the plane, everyone was laughing at their behaviour, even an Ang Moh said, "That's so embarrassing". Our bus was full and the PRCs came down running to another empty bus. Someone said,"They scared they dont get seats." we all burst out laughing. Goodness.. *shake head* Zack said the last place on earth he'll go is China.

All in all, it was a good trip. H&F are great company :) It was the most relaxing 'city' holiday we ever had. City hols are usually spent hitting shopping mall after shopping mall, nonstop action from sun up to sun down. Us? We slept thru breakfast most mornings.. hahaha. Holiday wat. Glad zack and i have similar travelling style.. relax and enjoy the place. I'll so die if he is like those travellers who MUST go to all the sights and see as much as possible. See what sia? You can never see enough of a place. Why be one of those kiasu travellers who has to have the biggest bang for their buck? We sure are not.. we travel in style.. in more ways than one. Haha!

Anyway, it was all good :) this is our....... ermmmm.... 9th holiday to date! I was already talking about our next trip before we board our plane :P

ahhhhhhhhh......... now now..
somebody got an early birthday present!
for all our buys.... this one took the cake.

Get what?!!
the time of revelation...............
*hold your breath.. and dun drool*

an iPHONE!!!!!!!

soooooooo sleek and gorgeous!

Zack is so over the moon.. just like a little boy in ecstasy :)

...... and suddenly i'm a sweet angel!

(at the train station back to hotel, walking behind zack and touched his butt/wallet)
zack: oh it's you.. i thought who was touching me. I almost elbow the person until i turn around and saw your sweet gentle face. Like an angel's.. it melts my heart....
ju: AHAHHAHAHH!!! oh... i buy you iphone only then i'm a sweet gentle angel ah? If not, then i'm "full of nonsense" ah...
zack: hey, says who! you're always my angel. *hug*
ju: yeah yeah... *roll eyes*giggles*

It was a good buy.... the iphones there are cheaper than what Singapore retails. And it's unlocked so any SIM card can be used. He is not supposed to use it til Dec. But bcos i love him i'll discount it til Aug. If i like my bday present, then he can use it, if not... back to Dec! *chuckles* I'm only letting him play with it for a few days then it's going back into the box.. Bleh! :P

Zack asked me why am i so nice to him. What a silly question. Cos he is my hubby! If i'm not nice to him, then who should i be nice to? And when he's happy, i'm happy too :)

Having said that, my hubby is awfully good to me as well. It works both ways. He provides and tries his best. Always generous to me. Just today he was telling me about the bonuses he is expecting and when i was salivating, he said.."my money is also your money wat.. by default." Whoooooaa.. so nice right. And save for the hotel, our bkk trip was all on him! Mindful of that, i didnt buy much. Prudent wifey here. Thanks darling for the lovely hol.. muaks! :)

the iphone.... is simply gorgeous.... *melts*

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