Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, August 23, 2008

i am officially unemployed....

...for 3 days.

i didnt realised i've amassed quite some junk in a mere 2 years.
but it's all work papers junk.
i dont decorate my workplace with too many personal stuff.
but it still came up to 3 bagsful!

my plant knew.......

......and it died.

it's really strange how it died right after i signed my appointment letter with the other company. I kid you not. I'm not what you'll call a green finger so it's amazing how i kept this plant alive for 2 years! I bought it when i joined this company.

and this little pic and tag has been following me for 2 companies.
they shall continue on to the 3rd!
This Pic: is actually our 2nd pic, couple of days after we started dating :) Every colleague who saw this pic said my bf (then) so handsome! One even call him 'Tay Ping Hui'... even til now! hahahha.. (i think my darling is more handsome *smirk*)
This Tag: zack doodled this tag when he visited my 1st coy, while waiting for me to be done with work :)

i shall add more pics in my new workplace! i got more room!

the view of the harbour port and sea...

...will be sorely missed.

With 3 bags of stuff, 1 fat psychology book, 1 bridal magazine which i couldnt bear to throw.. taking the train was close to impossible. Taking a cab was an alternative i wasnt keen to consider. 20bucks! Cab is just one place i dun like spending my precious money on. So i called my hubby in hopes he will come pick me up after his work. But the minute he knew i was still at work, he said he'll swing by! *grins* hehe. I didnt have to ask!

After 2 years, my hubby finally saw my workplace :)

So i said my farewell to the empty office and we left.

the first of the stampede.
7 in my wake.
3 departures next week
4 more next month.
1 pending to tender.
weak management.
lack of direction.
conflicts among each other.
people dun like each other.
to list a few.
tiring.. so tiring.

oh well.....

Appreciate all the colleagues who made the effort to meet up with me for lunch. 2 even brought me to a costly restaurant! And all who came by yesterday to chat with me, the 'all the best', 'i'm gonna miss you' chats and the farewell calls, i deeply appreciate them.. and it's these ppl i will remember by :)


Anonymous said...

A new chapter in your life! :)

I pray that God will continue to rain His blessings in your life!

Excited? :)


Anonymous said...

hehe thanks gal!

excited? terrified more likely! Spoke with my COO and gosh.. he has big plans! Its not gonna be an easy job. I will need all the prayers i can get! :P

Not long later you and sy will start hearing my rants.. haha.