Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, September 20, 2004


home today.. down with all the works, cold, cough, sore throat (i sound damn sexy lor..), bodyaches, feverish.. *groans* Surprised this hits me fast & hard.. i dun usually fall ill this quick.. Wud usually have sorethroat for about a week, cough for 2 weeks before all comes tumbling down.. This time, its a matter of days before i fell.. jeez, think my body's resistance is getting weak...

Slept the entire sunday away! Woke at 2pm, went for lunch.. slept again at 6.30.. woke at 8, then conked off again at 9pm! Woke up this morning feeling like i got ran over by a truck, gotta call in sick.. Thank God a clinic just opened near my place, didnt have to walk far.. Doc was amused when she heard about my profession..

doc: wat u working as?
me: admin, hr
doc: realy? i've seen quite a number of people from hr. Must be very stressful.
me: yeah, i just did my payroll last week & i got work to do when i reach home later.. laughs

Spent a good part of 3 hrs working on my SPP (Stock Purchase Plan - no energy to elaborate on it).. sigh..

Siying was sweet :) Got a sms from her...
"how are u feeling today? any better? told u not to go to the gym on fri..."
my dear gal, i catch no ball... gym = falling ill? *wink*.. very touched nonetheless... :)

Gotta start evaluating my diet, consuming too much junk food...

My 5 Rules!
1. More veg
2. More fruits
3. Less meat (red meat)
4. More water (dun u think 8 glasses is too much? the loo will be my 2nd home..)
5. No snacking / nibbling

think i gotta start evaluating pappe's diet too. She's been sleeping beside me & she keeps farting! & it stinks to the high heavens!

*feeling woozy, my comfy bed calls...

1 comment:

ant said...

uh....hands up if you think jul will stick to her 5 rules - esp number 5!! Always tell me "oh no i dont want anything to eat" and then later come and pinch my food and pretend to act cute.

Zack you should consider investing in a fly swatter to keep her hands away from your food. Once u sit down with ur food and u see her eyes widen with a slight gasp of 'Waaahh...', den my fren ur food is half gone. Many plates of hor fun and bowls of rice have met their grisly ends this way.