Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Been raining these couple of days, good time to snuggle in bed, with a cup of hot tea or hot chocolate, with a nora roberts book.. ahhh.... heaven... but nope, gotta slog my ass off at work *groans* oh well, tired tired tired.. slept for like 6 hours last night but when i wake up this morning, it was like i only slept for 3 hrs.. restless night..

Busy day at work.. taking a short blogging break.. feel so so weary & bone-tired sometimes.. so many things being thrown at me.. barely hanging there.. but no worries, i will pull through.. *i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me*

Guess the thought of meeting my boy at the end of the day makes it all worthwhile.. It can be a shitty day but knowing there's someone there waiting for you at the end of it all just gives you that extra 'energy' to get thru it.. :) Just walking hand in hand, spending time together, the simple presence of that someone, just soothes everything.. :)

*nursing a headache...

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