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Monday, September 27, 2004

Best of BLUE!

FRIDAY - 24 Sept


Alright, here goes it.. i am not a Blue fan! so why am i so hyped up? coz its friday! day to let yr hair down and go crazy... & yeah, i went crazy.. hahaha! but the deal of it all was... ITS FREE!!! :P

Ant won 2 tix to Blue concert from Power 98 (maybe i shld start listening to radio) so i gotta sacrifice my friday and accompany this guy down to indoor stadium.. sigh.. do u realise watta good friend u've got ant?!

Ant's ugly creation...

Was great fun listening to Blue songs on our way to indoor stadium and stupid ant made a poster (can u beat that?!) for 'us' to wave it about! No way am i doing that, and an ugly poster at that! no creativity.. *shakes head*.. Reached Indoor stadium close to 8 and wasnt that big a crowd.

the crowd before the show starts... all that 'blue' lights are so cheesy, should have dimmed all the 'spectator' lights.. The guest performer was some guy called Derrick something.. was ok, sang a few songs (which sounded foreign to me).. belted out 'Nobody Knows - Tony Rich Project'.. sad sad song.. sigh... was only a rendition of the original, nothing fantastic..

Then BLUE came on!! told by Siying that there was only 1 cute guy in the band.. called Duncan James (Brad pitt lookalike??) cant tell coz we were too far from the stage... But i like Lee... boy can he sing! Oh! Duncan & Lee bared their ass! hahaha! nope, not bare ass, they were wearing boxers! heehee...

Went bersek when they sang 'You make me wanna' Ant & i were crazy over that song awhile back.. screamed our lungs when they sang that song! Finale was 'One Love'... called my boy when the song came on.. he was almost home by then.. :)

Concert ended at bout 10pm.. there were no encores *suckee* & nobody was screaming for encores *double suckee* Drove off with the stero blaring 'One Love'... and with a major sore throat.. which didnt help much coz my throat was already sore.. all in all, it was a great night! All in the good name of FUN!

read Ant's blog for more details.. though most of it aint true!

1) i did not ogle that at 'my duncan' i dun even think he's that cute..
2) i didnt 'nearly collapsed into the rows of seats in front of us, grabbing (me) quite uncomfortably by the collar and screaming some sort of primordial, animalistic mating call' when Lee and Duncan waved their ass... i just screamed :P

Nope, still am not a BLUE fan.. just missed being young and crazy without a care in the world.. screamed like its noboby's business, laughed like there's no tomorrow, do stupid & crazy things.. never did any of these when i was young, making up for lost time now.. hahaa...

Ant then drove me to Zack's.. picked Bris up at Hougang gym prior to that... Hang ard at zack's, then we rode back home at 1 plus.. Couldnt stay up too late coz had to wake up at 5.45am the next morning (Family Day).. but our 'early lights out' turned out to be 2.30am.. haha!

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