Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival - Full Moon...

Beautiful night.. the first time in so so many years i celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival :) Every year, i long to go to a park, walking around with a lantern burning bright.. watching the little kids play around with lanterns, candles.. but somehow it just never materialise... but it did this year... :)

Zack and i celebrated our first Mid-Autumn festival together at Punggol Park :) wat a sight greeted us upon arrival! It was packed with kids, families, young punks... all the lanterns hanging from trees, little kids running ard with 'singing' battery-operated lanterns.. candles burning along the sidewalk.. sparklers flying everywhere (even into the lake *eyes crossed* poor fishes..) the smoke (from the sparklers) even gave the place a surreal quality.. the entire place was lit up.. the lake in the middle of the park reflected the full moon & all the pretty little 'fairy lights'... like some magical place.. it was truly a beautiful sight.. soft sigh.. :)

Punggol Park @ Full Swing!

our lantern...

We tried to take some pics but the night shots sucks *digicam, wat can u expect* so we could only make do with wat we had.. walked ard the park, realised that lanterns & candles are not the only things that was burning.. hahaha.. good excuse to play with fire..

Went to the lake & lit up all our tealights... placed them in the lake & watched them float away :)

when we wish upon the stars.. our 2 special lights...

our feeble attempts to take a pic together, turned out pretty good ya ;)

all in all, it was an incredible night...

happy.. i really am :)

Oh! did i mention my boy passed his level 2!!!! *Big Hugz!* so proud of my boy! *beams*

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The letter 'M'

maybe its the quarter life crisis... maybe i've reached that age.. or maybe its just events surrounding me that got me thinking.. the big M... Marriage...

the daunting word that makes some ppl shudder.. some ppl smile.. so how do i feel about it? i dunno. Kinda scary just thinking about it at times.. I dun believe in taking the easy way out (the big D) so marriage would mean a lifetime for me. But how do u know if this is the person you wanna spend the rest of your life with? the rest of your life.. thats like the next 50 years of my life (saying i live to a ripe age of 70+), living with this person, everyday.. for the next 50 years...

Seen marriages around me break down, marriage that doesnt seem like a marriage.. scares me to the bone sometimes.. Making a marriage work isnt as simple as taking the garbage out everyday. Marriage is not all about love, its about commitment, compromises, tolerance, patience.. a decision made and you jolly well stick by it. Cause wat happens when that hot, sizzling passion fizz out?

What happens if that marriage fails? then wat about the children? It just tears everything & everyone apart.. i used to think that in instances where a couple can just no longer live together, they shld just split & not hold on for reasons like children.. but now, i'm not sure..

Simon msged me, telling me he misses pappe loads... it tore me.. no, no leftover feelings... just sad that things have to be this way.. we agreed to an arrangement where every other weekend, the 2 gals, pappe & pixie will spend a day together with either of us. Gosh, this is so akin to parent visitations.. i suppose this is best for now, since i miss pixie & he misses pappe.. and they are dogs.. can u imagine if we are talking about children? children with feelings, emotions... it hit me hard.. sigh...

with growing up comes responsibilities, crossroads, life-changing decisions... dun wanna grow up...

Monday, September 27, 2004

Da Best Prata!


Had Family Day in the morning (see earlier blog).. reached home at 2 plus.. My boy came over at 4 plus... just before it rained! Just love it when it rains in the afternoon (only when i'm indoors).. best time for snuggles.... under my thick quilt, aircon on, rain pitter pattering on the window ;)

We went to 'The Roti Prata House' for dinner at Thomson... oh man! this is da best prata i've eaten by far! Never tot i wud say this coz when zack was going on about how good the prata was, i was like 'ok, all prata tastes the same to me.. some are better but nothing fantastic'.. but when i had that first piece of prata, i was a goner. Ordered 1 cheese & 1 plain.. Zack ordered bomb prata (excellent!), 2 cheese & 2 plain.. the plain was awesome! prefer it on its own, then u can taste it without the curry masking the taste... its crispy on the outside & incredibly chewy on the inside.. the bomb was really good as well, the condense milk inside (am i right?) makes it all smooth and chewy... heavenly.. we had milo dinosaur & shared a bowl of mutton soup.. my first mutton soup! love the tender mutton pieces, but a little too peppery for me... my throat was almost burning after that.. gosh, wonderful dinner but feel real guilty after that.. all that oil and it was real heaty (i'm paying for it now.. but i dun mind! :P) when's our next thomson trip dear? :P

Reached home at 10 plus... my boy gotta mug for his papers & i conked out.. heehee... woke up at 12.30 & we watched dvds.. 'The School of Rock'... show was ok, didnt catch it when it was screening in the cinemas.. was just so nice watching it with my boy... though i drifted off for awhile (bet u didnt know dear :P)

*my Family Day was on the 9.30pm CNA news! i missed that.. bummer...

Was a long day prob coz had a very early start and late end but was all good, fully utilised.. spending it with my special someone.. :)

Lights out: 3.30am

Best of BLUE!

FRIDAY - 24 Sept


Alright, here goes it.. i am not a Blue fan! so why am i so hyped up? coz its friday! day to let yr hair down and go crazy... & yeah, i went crazy.. hahaha! but the deal of it all was... ITS FREE!!! :P

Ant won 2 tix to Blue concert from Power 98 (maybe i shld start listening to radio) so i gotta sacrifice my friday and accompany this guy down to indoor stadium.. sigh.. do u realise watta good friend u've got ant?!

Ant's ugly creation...

Was great fun listening to Blue songs on our way to indoor stadium and stupid ant made a poster (can u beat that?!) for 'us' to wave it about! No way am i doing that, and an ugly poster at that! no creativity.. *shakes head*.. Reached Indoor stadium close to 8 and wasnt that big a crowd.

the crowd before the show starts... all that 'blue' lights are so cheesy, should have dimmed all the 'spectator' lights.. The guest performer was some guy called Derrick something.. was ok, sang a few songs (which sounded foreign to me).. belted out 'Nobody Knows - Tony Rich Project'.. sad sad song.. sigh... was only a rendition of the original, nothing fantastic..

Then BLUE came on!! told by Siying that there was only 1 cute guy in the band.. called Duncan James (Brad pitt lookalike??) cant tell coz we were too far from the stage... But i like Lee... boy can he sing! Oh! Duncan & Lee bared their ass! hahaha! nope, not bare ass, they were wearing boxers! heehee...

Went bersek when they sang 'You make me wanna' Ant & i were crazy over that song awhile back.. screamed our lungs when they sang that song! Finale was 'One Love'... called my boy when the song came on.. he was almost home by then.. :)

Concert ended at bout 10pm.. there were no encores *suckee* & nobody was screaming for encores *double suckee* Drove off with the stero blaring 'One Love'... and with a major sore throat.. which didnt help much coz my throat was already sore.. all in all, it was a great night! All in the good name of FUN!

read Ant's blog for more details.. though most of it aint true!

1) i did not ogle that at 'my duncan' i dun even think he's that cute..
2) i didnt 'nearly collapsed into the rows of seats in front of us, grabbing (me) quite uncomfortably by the collar and screaming some sort of primordial, animalistic mating call' when Lee and Duncan waved their ass... i just screamed :P

Nope, still am not a BLUE fan.. just missed being young and crazy without a care in the world.. screamed like its noboby's business, laughed like there's no tomorrow, do stupid & crazy things.. never did any of these when i was young, making up for lost time now.. hahaa...

Ant then drove me to Zack's.. picked Bris up at Hougang gym prior to that... Hang ard at zack's, then we rode back home at 1 plus.. Couldnt stay up too late coz had to wake up at 5.45am the next morning (Family Day).. but our 'early lights out' turned out to be 2.30am.. haha!

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Family Day

just got back from Botanical Gardens. Its Marsh Family Day and was held at Botanical Gardens... tired tired & tired... woke up at the crack of dawn.. 5.45am! even earlier than a working day and its SAT! But it was nice, weather was good (though it looks a lil threatening early in the morning).. everyone's spirits were high.. been busy with meetings and co-ordination for the last 3 weeks.. finally the day arrives! This event was done in conjunction with Chao Yang School for special children.. so its for a good cause :) The kids enjoyed themselves.. with telematches... Happy Meals from McDonalds.. was all good..

Frigging tired now.. was running ard the entire morning co-ordinating food delivery & preparation... Bunz & Macs just cant seem to find their way to Botanical Gardens, Bukit Timah Carpark... sigh... wonder why do i always end up with the task of feeding ppl *ponders*

right, going for a long bath then head to dreamland... only had 3 hrs of sleep last nite.. conking soon...

blog bout BLUE CONCERT!!! later when my brain is in better condition...

Friday, September 24, 2004

moved me to tears...

met siying for lunch today... had a lovely time chit chatting at Juice Station.. munching on fruits, crackers & po luo paus.. teaching my dear gal how to use mascara gel & curler *shakes head* too bad lunch time was short...

she bought me a windchime... for my new room..

"Hope that whenever you are stressed or unhappy,
the sounds from the windchime can take your troubles away.....right out of the window!
Gone with the wind.........=)
And in return, brings you tranquility and peace......"

throat welled up with tears when i read the email after we got back to our offices... thanks gal.. *hugz* :)

on the move... again...

did i mention i'm moving? yes, again..

this time, to my godma's house.. & its just 4 storeys above.. 3 houses in 2 years.. yeah, 2 years to the dot! oh well... time to work my creative juices... room deco! Think it'll be a challenge this time coz the room i will be moving into would hold a different concept..

My present room... my nest, my haven.. painstakingly decorated and designed by yours truly... has the sweet, girly scent.. peachy brown walls, offset by white furnitures, rattan chair with sheepskin.. sweet pastel colors.. light brown wood.. my wardrobe, the pride of my room *heartaches*..
u get the drift.. gonna miss it so much.. only nested in it for 15 months..

the hours pouring over ikea magazines, color scheme books, room deco books from library, looking at ici color chips under different lights, many trips to ikea *thanks ant & yr trusty merc minibus!*

was sitting on my bed last night, looking at my wardrobe.. felt a pang.. know it sounds silly but have grown attached to it.. loadsa hardwork & money invested in it.. remembered how i used to sneak in while construction was still going on, to get measurements..

oh well, time to move on... on a brighter note, get to work my creative juices again.. a challenge awaits me! ;)

a replica of my old room or a completely different nest?

Monday, September 20, 2004


home today.. down with all the works, cold, cough, sore throat (i sound damn sexy lor..), bodyaches, feverish.. *groans* Surprised this hits me fast & hard.. i dun usually fall ill this quick.. Wud usually have sorethroat for about a week, cough for 2 weeks before all comes tumbling down.. This time, its a matter of days before i fell.. jeez, think my body's resistance is getting weak...

Slept the entire sunday away! Woke at 2pm, went for lunch.. slept again at 6.30.. woke at 8, then conked off again at 9pm! Woke up this morning feeling like i got ran over by a truck, gotta call in sick.. Thank God a clinic just opened near my place, didnt have to walk far.. Doc was amused when she heard about my profession..

doc: wat u working as?
me: admin, hr
doc: realy? i've seen quite a number of people from hr. Must be very stressful.
me: yeah, i just did my payroll last week & i got work to do when i reach home later.. laughs

Spent a good part of 3 hrs working on my SPP (Stock Purchase Plan - no energy to elaborate on it).. sigh..

Siying was sweet :) Got a sms from her...
"how are u feeling today? any better? told u not to go to the gym on fri..."
my dear gal, i catch no ball... gym = falling ill? *wink*.. very touched nonetheless... :)

Gotta start evaluating my diet, consuming too much junk food...

My 5 Rules!
1. More veg
2. More fruits
3. Less meat (red meat)
4. More water (dun u think 8 glasses is too much? the loo will be my 2nd home..)
5. No snacking / nibbling

think i gotta start evaluating pappe's diet too. She's been sleeping beside me & she keeps farting! & it stinks to the high heavens!

*feeling woozy, my comfy bed calls...

Hot Shots!

Alright, Presenting shots from our Gals Night Out! (at long last!) *dun drool*


Siying, Jane & moi!

Ying Yan's happy grin... Smile Jane! dun frown...

3 beauties! Hahaha! Now, siying is going to 'love' me for this one! :D

taken from? the loo! now u know why gals take so long.. lol!

where's jo?! its the 7mth.. spooky.... Dangerous lady driver on the road! Fasten your seatbelts! yeah, we shld have snapped that merz logo ;P

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Cure to extreme exhaustion.. Work Out!

went gymming last night... had the sudden urge to work out... Was an extremely busy day at work & to make matters worse.. gotta leave office at 4pm to head down to Botanica Gardens (Trial run for our Family Day for next sat)... was way over my head with work & was rushing the whole day up to the last sec... (even gotta bring my work home!)

Spent 2 hours under the hot evening sun at Botanica Gardens walking from station to station (our 'Amazing Race') & i was on heels! Imagine wearing heels & walking on grass! My heels kept poking holes into the soil...

Any normal human being will opt to go home to rest but not this one! Rushed all the way home (Punggol!) to grab my gym stuff & rushed down to Bishan.. It was already 9.30pm by the time i got there.. Ant picked me up & drove to his place (Pandan Valley!)... His gym closes at 11pm so we only managed to work out for a mere 45mins!

Imagine my exhaustion but i was just too wound up with stress and fatigue, I just gotta get it outta my system... Was already on the verge of screaming with frustration after this long tough week... But the work out did wonders, felt realy relaxed... My happy hormones (endorphins) popped out to greet me :)

Friday, September 17, 2004

friday morning amusement...

this realy cracks me up! got an email from my daily email kaki aka Siying when i got in today.. nice to receive such a chirpy email.. read her dialogue with jo and i couldnt stop laughing...

SY: "11.40.....ju is going to be KO soon"
JO: " Wat's KO? Knock out?"
SY: " Yup......she is Sleeping Beauty...."
: " I'm Snow White....."
" You are......?"
JO: " Cinderella

my dear jo loves to call herself 'Princess'.... Jo, siying is right.. u cannot be cinderalla til you marry your ming! hahaha! Better to stick with Jasmine (Aladdin) ya, heehee.. & sorry gal, we are both not going to be your (cinderalla's) stepsisters! :P I think these nicks are going to stick coz they are so aptly named... hahaha! I sleep alot, siying is super white (she's almost transparent!) & jo... she juz loves to be a princess.. :P

Anyway, its friday! wat shld i do? gymming? about time i start exercising! work those muscles! (since i still cant swim for another month or so.. sob)

Things i wanna do:
- work on my photography
- learn pottery
- take up sketching again (?)
- go on a holiday (Bangkok! Bangkok! Bangkok!)

My plant doesnt look too good.. i think its not going to make it... sigh.. i think i'm coming down with something too... My boy's not feeling well too.. sigh *heartaches* wish i can do something to make you feel better, relieve some of your stress.. *Hugs... *

Thursday, September 16, 2004

my footprints...

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand;
one belonged to him, and the other belonged to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life,
there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one setof footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The Lord replied,
"My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set offootprints,
it was then that I carried you."

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

73 days...

... is the number of consecutive days we've seen each other for.. (save for 4 July where you went for chalet)
14 sept was the first day we've not met in 24 hrs.. oh well, a man gotta do what a man gotta do! ;)

wow, 73 days.. :) *hugz!*

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Feels damn good to slip that banklist into the envelope *phew* its over for now.. then the ride begins again in another 4 weeks time.. but this means i'm getting my pay soon! ;P Crazy crazy day, no time to take a breather.. dun even have the time to msg my boy... telling him i'm thinking of him.. yes, even while rushing from task to task, i'm thinking of you :)

Gosh, i'm still breathless... cool it gal.. but my adrenalin is pumping! I WANNA DO SOMETHING!

Dinner in town?
Return my library book (due?)

Not keen on home really... but i've got chores to do...
- bathe pappe
- paint my nails
- clean up my room
- clean up pee & poo *groans*
- smallville (still on?)

Oh well, maybe i'll just go home & have an early night.. Had a lousy night last night, was so restless... Still feeling restless now.. tsk tsk... wanna break free from all entanglements, feel them grasping.. their tentacles are suffocating me.. i cant breathe...

Let the past stay in the past..

Monday, September 13, 2004

FRIENDS - 10.00pm - Channel 5

Nothing can tear me away from the TV!!!

Someone new...

*yawns*... monday again... oh well... the weekend more than makes up for it! Eventful, eventful...

Theres a new additional to my home!

Yes! another dog!! Hahahaha! that makes it a total of 4 dogs... *groans* Its zack's dog, Rusty (Jack Russell)... Was supposed to give it to Andrew's (my bro-in-law) colleague but it turned out that Andrew got besotted with Rusty. Therefore, we got a new member in our family... imagine, 4 dogs under 1 roof.. Chaos!! But he is so cute, he has those doleful eyes that just melts yr heart..

Things i did this weekend:
  • Eat beef horfun at upper thomson / casuarina rd (The BEST!!) Tender beef, smooth thin slices of horfun.. yummy....
  • Tampines Mall with my dear, fixed his erp...
  • Watched Terminal with my dear, Andy & Hwee Ching... Highly recommended! 4 stars out of 5!
  • Washed toilet
  • Got an additional member to my family ;)
  • Went Queensway! Dear bought his Air Force One (Finaly :P) & Nike sandles (at a bargain!).. I bought 2 Fila polo tee & 3 navel rings (for only $23.80, which is a steal!) (my boy bought em for me :) *hugz!* ) *We are oh so happy & satisfied!*
  • Went to ikea - walk ard, had dinner...
  • Sleep... (wish i did more of this though...)

Love like you've never been hurt

Dance like no one's watching

Sing like no one's listening

Live like its Heaven on Earth

Tots: Its easy to praise God & give thanks when everything is smooth sailing, but what happens when the going gets tough...

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Us! My Boy!


A letter from Starhub greeted me when i got home last night..

APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME: 17/09/2004 between 10am to 2pm

Show me a wall! *bangs head* & i just got my cable plan changed to premium easy access plan! (the day before!) After many talks with pacnet customer service officers, i managed to get a refund for my cable & activation fee... oh well... I guess the next round of negotiation is not to charge me for the plan changes... *groans*

But i'll be on cable soon! Heehee....

Jeez, i better get going! Meeting my dear at TM at 1!

Have a great weekend folks! :)

Friday, September 10, 2004

Its finally here.. Friday! the long awaited day.. but funny i dun feel much.. probably coz its been a bz bz day at work.. even forgot its joyous friday til my colleague reminded me.. oh well...

Cooked dinner for my boy last night.. went carrefour with serene & gang during lunch.. we bought a cartful of Korean noodles, its like we are storing for war... lol! But hey, the noodles are superb, hot & spicy, shioks! I threw in some chicken & xiao bai cai for dinner...

Reached home at 7.30pm & got down to preparing dinner.. Dear came over at about 8 (Singapore Idol!) & dinner was ready soon after... Noodles are nice but not very spicy.. remind me not add too much water next time k, boy.. Was so nice just watching tv, laughing at the contestants, making comments about their performance / looks, laughing at my boy's mandarin *opps! :P*, having dinner together, munching on crackers, dozing off... something so simple can be so enjoyable... only coz its with that someone.. :) Boy, i'm gonna miss all these when you get back to shiftwork... Hugzz...

Its friday! Whole weekend to ourselves! Yippeeeee! TM tomorrow boy?? *wink*

Time for some navel jewellery shopping?!?!! :P

I'm back online! On dialup again *groans* but anything is better than nothing.. so u guys will see me online more often... got 40 hrs of airtime to waste..

back to work! payroll...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Goodbye my "Friends"...

"Friends" has come to the final episode of their final season & that fateful day falls on 13 Sept 2004 *sob sob* I'm gonna miss them so much.. my friends for 10 years.. Rachel, Ross, Phobe, Monica, Chandler, Joey.. My monday nights at 10.30pm were always filled with laughter.. watched how the cast grew together as a team, their cohesiveness, rapport..

Rachel Green (Jen Aniston) - grew hotter, slimmer, got married (with Brad Pitt!)
Monica Geller / Bing (Courtney Cox) - not much change but prettier, got married
Ross Gellar (David Schwimmer) - no change at all
Phobe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow) - got a little fleshy (coz she gave birth... so sweet..)
Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) - got fatter! but still sexy..
Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) - got fatter (another one..) face red at times as he was combating alcoholism..

Feels a pang whenever i think of 'Friends' finishing their final season. 'Friends' was always a constant in my life. They were there when i was mugging for exams, flunked my papers, aced my papers, got into trouble with my mum.. etc.. thanks for being a part of my growing up years.. goodbye...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

For My Boy! :)

Happy 2 Months Anniversary Darling! Muah Muah! Its been a wonderful 2 months & u've brought so much joy into my life... Can never thank Him enough for bringing you into my life.. :) So many things to say but dont know where to start... So heres a song for you... says about everthing i wanna say (well, almost :P)... love you so so much... *Hugzzz*

Its been a long and winding journey
But i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces
Walking back into the light
To the sunset of your glory
Where my heart and future lies
Theres nothing like that feeling
When i look into your eyes
My dreams came true
When i found you
I found you, my miracle
If you could see what i see
You're the answer to my prayers
And if you can feel
The tenderness i feel
You would know
It would be clear
That Angels brought me here
Standing here before you
Feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love
Every heartbeat speaks your name
My dreams came true
right here in front of me
My miracle
If you could see what i see
you're the answer to my prayers
If you could feel
the tenderness i feel
It would be clear
that Angels brought me here
Brought me here to be with you
i'd be forever grateful (oh forever grateful)
My dreams came true
when i found you
My miracle
If you could see what i see
you're the answer to my prayers
If you could feel
the tenderness i feel
It would be clear
that Angels brought me here
ps: i typed it out right, no copy & paste for me! :P Love u!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Ok, my plant leaves are standing again! guess its not a problem with water coz i almost drowned it last friday... Its probably lack of air coz my office can be frigging stuffy during the weekends...

Had tulang last night! zack brought me to beach road for their tulang and ah balling.. magnifique! oh man.. cant believe i ate that... the tulang that is! when the indian guy brought this plate of bones over, covered with red sauce... i was thinking,"alright, that looks familiar!" i'm not telling wat it looks like but when i see it, u will definitely know it! hahaha! The red sauce tastes exactly like mutton chop sauce (awesome!!!), taste marvellous with bread! then u pick up one of those big fat bones & eat the meat at one end.. afterwhich u suck the bonemarrow out from the other end... it was actually akin to "u noe wat".. lol! When zack first told me about tulang (he's crazy about it! if only he is as crazy about me :P), i was like, "ewww, bonemarrow??! " ok ok dear, u won me over.. hahaha! it realy was great! but heaty coz when i wake up this morning, my lips were like bloodred..

Then we had the ah balling! oh man... love that! when can we eat again dear?? i guess for now, we gotta contend with the store-bought ones...

so how am i feeling? happy & satisfied...

great weekend :)

Friday, September 03, 2004

one of those days...

Really bad news.. I'm not going to get my cable set up! *sobs* why? coz my stupid block's scv network has not been activated!! so i gotta wait til the network is all up & running before i can get on cable.. *sigh*

And my office pc was pmsing this morning.. kept restarting on me & i couldnt get work done.. But theres a blessing in disguise coz i got my new pc! IT speeded things up for me & i managed to get my new pentium 4! just lacking on the software components & all my files.. watta bummer... hands are really tied.. cant get much work done.. *shakes head*

Busy day.. very very busy day.. going for wine appreciation talk soon.. had roadshow this morning & so many things to settle.. been running ard the office..

And Roger (my big boss) dropped a bomb on us... sigh...

tired, very tired...

one of those days... hope things will get better... day is still young ;)

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Been raining these couple of days, good time to snuggle in bed, with a cup of hot tea or hot chocolate, with a nora roberts book.. ahhh.... heaven... but nope, gotta slog my ass off at work *groans* oh well, tired tired tired.. slept for like 6 hours last night but when i wake up this morning, it was like i only slept for 3 hrs.. restless night..

Busy day at work.. taking a short blogging break.. feel so so weary & bone-tired sometimes.. so many things being thrown at me.. barely hanging there.. but no worries, i will pull through.. *i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me*

Guess the thought of meeting my boy at the end of the day makes it all worthwhile.. It can be a shitty day but knowing there's someone there waiting for you at the end of it all just gives you that extra 'energy' to get thru it.. :) Just walking hand in hand, spending time together, the simple presence of that someone, just soothes everything.. :)

*nursing a headache...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Our First Ride!

woke up with a smile this morning :) First thought that came to mind was 'Life is beautiful..' Cherishing every minute & savouring every second.. :)

Reached home before the sun sets for the first time in months yesterday! my 2 gals must be bewildered to see me home so early, both jumping up & down (then again, they're always jump up & down.. haha) got down to working on my modem the minute i got home.. turned out gotta fork out another 68 bucks to activate my SCV point *sob sob* i'm so so broke! the figure in my bank is dwindling at an alarming rate! tsk tsk...

Just when i tot i wudnt be seeing my boy (he had a bad day *hugs*) :( , i got an sms from him! At 10:14:43pm - "Wanna go for a spin baby?" AHHh!!! I'm my boy's first pillion!!! *beams* He picked me up & we had supper at a nearby kopitiam, chicken wings & rojak.. The ride was great albeit a short one! Loves the wind blowing in my face, the engine roaring beneath me.. but best of all, the person in front of me :)

Life is beautiful… it’s beautiful to me…