Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, August 19, 2010

a tired post...

9pm: A time where most will wind down after a day's work, good dinner and relax. Watch some tv, read a book, surf the net.

I'm waiting for Megan to sleep before I get back to work. Fact is, I can leave her be, she will go to sleep on her own. But i'm just dragging it out, spending as much time listening to her babbling. I'm just so tired. I don't wanna go back to work.

Feel like i'm constantly working, if not physically, mentally. Stressed to the max. My shoulders are drooping and sometimes I wonder how I made it this far and if I can make it much further. I'

But Megan is my comfort. My joy. My reason. My life. I look at her and think.. Everything is worth it. Every frustration, anxiety, tear, stress, headache is worth it. Watching her grow up and thrive is my biggest reward. And everyday, I thank God for it.

2 meetings.
2 events.
Now til next week.
Let me live through these first.

alright... back to work *sigh*

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