Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Just window shopping at Expo okay!"

And he didn't get that laptop *LOL* Also thanks to Chris who dissuaded him. We ended up getting a tower fan. With Megan's poking her fingers into everything these days and one of her fav pasttime is taking the fancover off, we need to stop using that fan and get something safer. See, we bought something we NEED instead ;) (Chris + Elynne are so sweet, they fixed it up for us! :))

Yesterday: Koi and pepper crabs, Ju is a happy woman!

Only thing was, Megan fell asleep before we reached home :( I feel something amiss whenever I don't tuck her to bed.

Meeting later at 5pm.
This week is full of meetings and events *sigh*
And my throat is starting to hurt again.

Wait.... Pappe's barking... the doorbell is ringing!
Could it be Mr Postman?!!!

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