Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, August 09, 2010

My birthday celebrations stretched through Sun as well! *beams*

Grandma and Grandpa came to play with Megan. Sun afternoons are their day so Zack and I will spend some coupletime. If Zack's working, they will still come play with her and that frees me up to get housechores done - at a more leisurely pace!

So yesterday was no exception. But we double dated with Chris and Elynne. Been eons since we double dated! Zack dropped me off at Suntec so Elynne and I could go shop while he went off to buy my present with Chris! :D

Forgot how fun shopping with a gf can be! More so with one with similar taste as you!! See what I bought?!! - Elynne bought the same pair as well.. haha.

Pink with gold studds.
It's actually way nicer in person.
The light this morning somehow doesn't work here.
It makes one's feet look slimmer and this factor always win me over
(i dun have slim feet unfortunately)
I fell in love the minute i saw it!
It reminded us of a miu miu bag... pink with gold studds as well.
Told the guys they can go shopping together to get us the matching bag.. hahahha!

After some gal shopping :P, we went off to meet the guys at Marina Square to catch "SALT" - 4.20pm. Nice flick but somewhat typical. It was dinner at Waraku after it. And I had a pleasant surprise there! Chris and Elynne surprised me with a bday cake!!! *touched* I was wondering why Elynne kept going to the toilet - for awhile I thought she was preg! Hahahah! The cake came and I was stunned for abit. "It was for me?!!" :)

No pics cos i was a tad overwhelmed.. haha. Chris took some so will get from him.

Touched that they will make the effort to give me this pleasant surprise :) It's funny how as I grow older, bday celebrations no longer seem as important and I dont expect anything. So when my friends do something for me, it means so much more :)

Ant just called me and told me he is giving me a birthday treat at his restaurant! Zack and I dine for free! Gotta check with Zack what is his plan for today ;)

Gotta go get ready.
And wake Zack up so I can bug him about my present.. hehe.
It's still in the car! I didnt see him bring it up last night.
Maybe I'd go down to the car to take a peep :P

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