Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

still VERY upset...

over the brutal killing of the pomeranian at Sengkang!
I wanna do something! SPCA and the police had gone to the blocks and went door to door to distribute flyers. Hoping someone will step forward to identify the killer. No one did!!! It is APPALLING how those bastards can be so indiffernt and choose to stay silent!

I wanna do something. All I can do now is post on fb but i'm upset how even the people on my friends list are indifferent about it. Out of my 244 friends, only Aaron and Ginny bothers to spread this around. We have to fan the flames and not let this brutal crime die down. Gosh.. do people care so little???

I've been thinking.. will writing to the MP of Sengkang help?? I went to PAP website and if i'm not wrong, the MP is Charles Chong. Or perhaps pasting hate flyers on every floor of Blk269A and 269B. Shame those who knew and choose to keep quiet.

God, I'm begging you... Please do something.

After i was done with work at 11pm (yes 11pm), I was about to work on my barcelona hotel (the metro and train network is confusing! Hoping it's not as bad as Paris's!). Then I got so caught up with this pomeranian death.. saw the pic on SPCA fb page and started feeling depressed all over again.

This world we are living in sucks. Sometimes I wonder if God ever regret creating us. Making men superior to all. We don't deserve it. I wish for Narnia, where animals can talk and have a voice.
*depreessed so stay away*
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Salted veg and duck soup...

....just NOT meant for me :(

Been craving for it for weeks. Only managed to get it at the stall at PP after 4 tries! It is always sold out and finally when they have it, it is not ready and i got to wait 10mins! I couldn't. The last time was when I got Zack to buy it for me. Perhaps he'd have better luck. He did! But it was awful and nowhere like the one at Irvins :S

So today, we brought Megan to Godpa Marky's so he could play with her and arranged dinner with Chris + Elynne @ Irvins which is 10mins walk from Marky's. Guess what? THEY DON'T HAVE IT!!! *sigh* Just not meant for me......

Oh well....

Something good happened today.. at least.

I managed to snag the last 3 tickets from London to Barcelona at 5 pounds!!! Itinerary tweaked then cos the initial plan was to travel to Marid first. At 5pounds, we would fly to Barcelona first without a thought! So yes, very happy indeed. Nothing beats getting a steal ;) Decided to train from Barcelona to Madrid instead of flying. Zack balked at driving... haha. Now i'm going to source for cheap Madrid-London tickets! Next up... hotels! Then trying to convince Zack to agree to a side trip to Paris. Not pining much hopes cos we went there for our honeymoon and he had been there twice already.

Should I check my work email later? *grimace*

Saturday, August 28, 2010

This mother still has got what it takes... take that hubby! *smirk*

Yesterday was a busy day. Had to get 2 cheques signed and it took a whole blardee afternoon. But as always, i try to utilize my time out.

Didn't wanna trouble my dear FIL, I decided to take Megan out on my errands.

4pm: Tanjong Pagar.
After I got 1 bank signatory (@ Lippo Centre), I popped up at visit Theresa! Theresa is my ex-boss and we are still in contact. She is just like a mother to me :) Know she will love to see Megan. Only saw Theresa and Sam and they were gushing over Megan. All said she is so chubby.. haha. Megan warmed up real quick so managed to charm them. Theresa and Sam said i've lost alota weight. And look like my old self already *grins*

5.30pm: Meet Rachel at Raffles Place MRT to pass her Megan.
Plan was to leave Megan at Rachel's office (so she can show off her niece.. haha) while I go to PZ's office @ Standard Chartered Bank. Long flight of steps so i can't take Megan with me (stroller). Short walk between 2 offices so it's a good plan. After I got the other signature secured, I went over to Rachel's office @ One Marina Boulevard.

Megan as usual got alot of aunties all gaga over her. We will hear stories when my sis goes to work on Monday.. haha.

6.00pm: Go home together with Rachel!
Godma is gonna be so jealous! I better take Megan to her office next week (so this grandma can showoff to her colleagues) cos I know she will be bugging me! :P

In connection to the post title, i'm relating an incident @ Stand Chart Building to show that this mother of 1 still has what it takes! I got picked up in the lift by this ABC:

In the lift...
ABC: What phone is that? It's really nice.. (what's with my hp seriously?!!)
me: It's the Experia, Sony Ericsson. Not the iphone.
ABC: Yeah, i had the iphone before and i don't know what the fuss is about.
me: Yeah, everyone has an iphone these days and I refused to get one! I like SE, it takes great pictures...

chat on mobile phone continues....

ABC: Do you work here?
me: Oh no I don't. I'm here on an errand.
ABC: Oh no wonder I've not seen you around.

Reached lobby.. said goodbye, goes out. I walked off... ABC caught up with me.

ABC: Hey, i've been here only a couple of weeks and i'm wondering if you'd like to have drinks some day?
me: Oh i'm sorry.. but i'm really busy looking after my daughter.
ABC: Oh okay...
me: Yup. See you, bye!

And of course, I HAD to tell Zack.. hahahhah! Have to keep him on his toes *winks* He was really interested and started quizzing me when he got home from work.. ahahaha! Oh well... sure an ego booster for a mother with a 1 year old daughter. Have not lost it yah! I think it's the hair......... *LOL* no not kidding, seriously!

Good saturday morning~

Had a wonderful night :) *stretch and yawn* Bummer Zack is working today :( The hectic week is OVER! Just hoping no meetings crops up cos i got tons of paperwork to do in the aftermath! Today i will just enjoy my megan and not worry about work. Perhaps just tackle some emails tonight. I PROMISE I WILL GET MY TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DONE THIS WEEKEND! Here's no. 3 ;P
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

CSR done..

@ Hyatt, Mezza9, La Cave. Wine cella room is cosy and intimate. Food is fantastic - check out the dessert, soft chocolate pudding. Another day to go tomorrow. My hp received quite abit of compliments! And some are from men. Is it really that nice?? And her owner got compliments too! My member's wife touched my arm and said to the others, "She is so pretty!" Ermm.. Ok thanks *shy*
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i'm so stressed i feel like crying....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do all dogs go to Heaven?

Having my 1st solo event and trying hard not to tear whenever i think of Amber. I couldnt see her off, just say goodbye. It's time for her to move on. She is suffering now. Rachel and Andrew did their best and everything they could. Crap i gotta stop. Im tearing now.
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Goodbye Amber...

Go find mummy in Heaven.. We will see you soon. Love you sweetheart..
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Monday, August 23, 2010

It's here!!

Finishing some stuff before i open it. Opening of presents must be done in a conducive environment, no stress and plenty of time to savour after :D
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"Just window shopping at Expo okay!"

And he didn't get that laptop *LOL* Also thanks to Chris who dissuaded him. We ended up getting a tower fan. With Megan's poking her fingers into everything these days and one of her fav pasttime is taking the fancover off, we need to stop using that fan and get something safer. See, we bought something we NEED instead ;) (Chris + Elynne are so sweet, they fixed it up for us! :))

Yesterday: Koi and pepper crabs, Ju is a happy woman!

Only thing was, Megan fell asleep before we reached home :( I feel something amiss whenever I don't tuck her to bed.

Meeting later at 5pm.
This week is full of meetings and events *sigh*
And my throat is starting to hurt again.

Wait.... Pappe's barking... the doorbell is ringing!
Could it be Mr Postman?!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Sunday date!

window shopping at parkway followed by crabs at joo chiat!! its been more than 1 year! Pepper crabs.. here Ju comes!
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

found my keypouch!!!

After it went missing for weeks... i finally found it in my blue bag!!!
it's awfully strange cos i am SO sure i checked that bag and it wasn't in there!
I was seriously bummed cos this keypouch has tons of sentimental value - Zack bought this for me during our honeymoon in Florence. It is part of the matching set of my honeymoon present, a wristlet. Zack too bought a gucci keypouch. While i'm not a big fan of Gucci, i absolutely love the little globe charm. The minute Zack showed me the wristlet, i just HAD to get it. The keypouch is just too cute to NOT buy.. haha. After 3 years, it's still in VERY GOOD condition. See the pic above. It's not flatten, scratched and banged up (pssst... like Zack's.. heh) I take very good care of my things ;)

Ju is a happy girl!
And present no. 3 has left LA! Taking too long lah.. i'm anxious.

Headache's gone! Done with an exco meeting.
1 more, 2 more events to go.
Things are starting to heat up.
But no work for tonight. I need a break.
Was so busy the entire day i forgot to eat - yeah i know.
On my way home in the cab, i started to feel nauseous. Too hungry. Too much energy expended.
At least one good thing came out of all these stress.. i've lost some weight! Well, not the way i wanted (unhealthy) but at least i'm almost looking like my pre-preg self. Johnny (my stylist) said I don't look like I was ever pregnant, tummy is flat. Back to my old shape (yeah thank God for it! No widened hips and thunder thighs!). When my streaks come in, i really will look like the old ju! Can't wait.. i now just have to find the time.

Megan is sleeping with mummy tonight! Just like last night :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

a tired post...

9pm: A time where most will wind down after a day's work, good dinner and relax. Watch some tv, read a book, surf the net.

I'm waiting for Megan to sleep before I get back to work. Fact is, I can leave her be, she will go to sleep on her own. But i'm just dragging it out, spending as much time listening to her babbling. I'm just so tired. I don't wanna go back to work.

Feel like i'm constantly working, if not physically, mentally. Stressed to the max. My shoulders are drooping and sometimes I wonder how I made it this far and if I can make it much further. I'

But Megan is my comfort. My joy. My reason. My life. I look at her and think.. Everything is worth it. Every frustration, anxiety, tear, stress, headache is worth it. Watching her grow up and thrive is my biggest reward. And everyday, I thank God for it.

2 meetings.
2 events.
Now til next week.
Let me live through these first.

alright... back to work *sigh*

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Watching 'The Nanny' at 10 to 1..

...waiting for my hair to dry. And i'm hungry :( Long day tomorrow, better sleep soon. Loves watching Megan sleeps :)
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

'IT' has been submitted last night *gulps*

now we pray.......

On another note: I've been nursing this slight sorethroat. Please don't let me fall ill. I've not fallen ill once since BEFORE i got pregnant - Megan is already 1yr old so go figure. Megan too hasn't fallen ill too! Apart from her UTI where she had low grade fever for half a night. No pesky cough, cold etc.. and i'm not ready for her to start! Keeping her as healthy as possible.

Busy week....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's on the way!

My 3rd present is on the way!!! *beams*

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

feeling lazy....

before I go any further, I'd like to point out the post below was posted by Megan!

In the afternoon, we were in the room packing the clothes and Megan was on our bed, fiddling with my hp. Don't ask me how she did but yes, she got out of screen saver mode (you gotta swipe the screen) and posted a post on my blog. Hahahaha! Genius yeah my daughter *winks*

Got alota stuff to do, wash toilet etc... but i'm feeling so lazy!
How now brown cow??
Think i'll sleep early and wake up early tomorrow :P
Work: Hmmm... nothing urgent.
Hsechores: Plenty.

Got some pretty good shots but lazy to hook Alfie to the com.
I really need to get that SD card device so i upload pics easily - I don't like cables!

Zack and I need to sit down to plan our europe itinerary. Then again, maybe i'll just go ahead and book. When it comes to travel, Zack goes with whatever I plan (he just needs to know the country of departure/arrival.. haha) cos his wifey makes the best travel arrangements. Don't believe me, just ask him ;)

See.. so many things to do! So little time!

Think i'd hit the sack now.
Slept at 4am last night.
Setting my alarm at 7am.
Get 20mins of work done. Wash 1 toilet.
By then Megan should be up - unless it rains and she sleeps in again!

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Playing with my new toy!! :)

:: a new scent
:: a new toy
:: and shopping for my 3rd present on ebay now! :P

or maybe not.

I just spent a good 30mins responding to bday wishes on facebook. Think it's only polite to reply to everyone individually instead of a generic post to all.

Then another 45mins soothing Megan. She started fussing at 2.30am. Teething? Somehow when I switched on the sidelight and fan it helps to calm her down a lil. I'm now in her room and she's babbling and clapping! Looks like she's not in any discomfort so I can go back to our room. She don't need me ard and can sleep on her own. Just some nights she gets abit clingy and I indulge. We all need some comfort and sayang at times right?

Napped as Megan slept and woke up at 12midnight :S Got some work done. Tomorrow has another load. Just hope nothing new pops out. Happy that tomorrow's site visit is cancelled! Yayyy!

Gonna call Johnny tomorrow. STREAKS ARE COMING BACK!!!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Off off my bday treat!

I got craving for dimsum so its some crystal jade ;) Zack said i got 3 presents!! : 1 very predictable, 1 not so predictable, 1 totally unpredictabe!! What can they be?!! *excited!* :)

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My birthday celebrations stretched through Sun as well! *beams*

Grandma and Grandpa came to play with Megan. Sun afternoons are their day so Zack and I will spend some coupletime. If Zack's working, they will still come play with her and that frees me up to get housechores done - at a more leisurely pace!

So yesterday was no exception. But we double dated with Chris and Elynne. Been eons since we double dated! Zack dropped me off at Suntec so Elynne and I could go shop while he went off to buy my present with Chris! :D

Forgot how fun shopping with a gf can be! More so with one with similar taste as you!! See what I bought?!! - Elynne bought the same pair as well.. haha.

Pink with gold studds.
It's actually way nicer in person.
The light this morning somehow doesn't work here.
It makes one's feet look slimmer and this factor always win me over
(i dun have slim feet unfortunately)
I fell in love the minute i saw it!
It reminded us of a miu miu bag... pink with gold studds as well.
Told the guys they can go shopping together to get us the matching bag.. hahahha!

After some gal shopping :P, we went off to meet the guys at Marina Square to catch "SALT" - 4.20pm. Nice flick but somewhat typical. It was dinner at Waraku after it. And I had a pleasant surprise there! Chris and Elynne surprised me with a bday cake!!! *touched* I was wondering why Elynne kept going to the toilet - for awhile I thought she was preg! Hahahah! The cake came and I was stunned for abit. "It was for me?!!" :)

No pics cos i was a tad overwhelmed.. haha. Chris took some so will get from him.

Touched that they will make the effort to give me this pleasant surprise :) It's funny how as I grow older, bday celebrations no longer seem as important and I dont expect anything. So when my friends do something for me, it means so much more :)

Ant just called me and told me he is giving me a birthday treat at his restaurant! Zack and I dine for free! Gotta check with Zack what is his plan for today ;)

Gotta go get ready.
And wake Zack up so I can bug him about my present.. hehe.
It's still in the car! I didnt see him bring it up last night.
Maybe I'd go down to the car to take a peep :P

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Ju is a happy lass *beams*

Woke up from my nap at 12:20am.
Did some washing and tidying.
Still having a little headache.
Perhaps looking at my pics taken today will help ;)

Had lunch with Ben+Val at Jai Thai.
Food was awesome!
Ordered a great deal of stuff.
(again, i should NOT blog about food at 2.30 in the morning!)
Megan was a doll! ate her lunch (packed oatmeal/nectarine/blueberry) and just sat there and listen us talk :) Ben and Val are so taken in with her. She made everyone laugh by her adorable antics. Val said she is such an obedient child and i'm so blessed to have her. Told Ben she wants a baby just like Megan.. haha. Yes we are, so thoroughly blessed :)
After lunch, we went to United Square for Udders ice-cream.
No seat so we bought the ice-cream and pop over to Starbucks for ice-cream and latte ;) And there... Megan and mummy opened our presents!

See how happy Megan is with her present.
She is more intrigued with the bag than what's inside!
Next time we can just buy her bags as presents.. don't need anything inside.. haha.

I know.... she is beyond adorable!

Little did I know that today is actually MY DAY!
I got presents and a birthday cake from Patissier!!!
My sweet sister surprised me with the cake - though i suspected it.. hahaha!
And she bought me the loveliest present! (on top of my hp!!!)

Earl Grey..... PERFECTO!

After ice-cream, we went to pick Godma up at AMK.. then make a round to pick up Rachel to our home. Andrew came awhile later and we cut cake. Yeah my family is big on birthday cakes :). Showered Megan again cos she was perspiring from all that walking and monkeying. Then off we went to Sembawang for dinner. Another feast!

Paul & Joe cosmetics from Ben&Val :)

They are such thoughtful gifts and in my favourite colors!!!

And presenting.... MY BLING BLING THONG!!!

Sequined Electra Thong
I've been eyeing this for more than a year!
but never could pay more than 100bucks for a slipper.
and my sis bought it for me!!!

I'm so touched by what everyone has done for me *tears* :)
In particular my sis.. she has always been the sweetest, pampering me to no ends. I'm so thoroughly blessed and I thank God everyday for what he has given me. A lovely sister, a Godma who takes care of us, friends like Ben&Val who makes the time to spend with Megan.. and lastly, My sweet hubby!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

I am having a headache so Zack offered to bath Megan so i can rest.. :)

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Megan: The Busy Baby

Sometimes I feel like Megan is a celebrity. Her weekends are always packed with appointments.. hahaha. I'm touched that so many will make the effort to come visit her and spend an afternoon with her :)

Today's schedule:
Lunch with Godpa Ben+STB Godma Val! At Jai Thai then followed by Udders ice cream!
Late afternoon: Mama Nancy is coming! Rachel Ah Yi and Andrew Yi Chang too. Then we are all going to Sembawang for dinner. A place Rachel recommends.

Ok no time already. Gotta bath Megan and prepare her lunch and dinner before we leave!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Thursday night musing....

Finally settled down....
Had a nice hot bath.
Megan slept right after milk at 8pm so I could get on to the other chores early. Serve dinner (Beef stew!) and have dinner with my laogong :) Wash the dishes, ironed and changed the sheets. Cleaned the room a little.


Small pot for Megan, big pot for daddy & mummy.
We have it with french loaf. Zack likes it :)

Busy day.
Had a concall (conference call for ppl who don't know *winks at someone*) today at 2pm. Good timing cos it's aroud Megan's naptime. She looked abit tired at 1plus but I played with her. Can't let her nap so early if not she would wake up while I'm having my concall. Sorry baby.. Mummy makes sacrifices, Megan gotta make sacrifices too. I put her down for her nap at 1:45pm, babbles alittle to herself then off to dreamland she went. Timing perfecto! My concall lasted for 1 hour - supposed to be 30mins. But little darling slept throughout! (Her usual naptime is 30-45mins).

Anyway.. no exco meeting tomorrow!!!

And i'm NOT working tonight! Tired.
Just checked my email and closed the window.

I'm going to make THIS!

A cup of hot chocolate and spend the rest of the night with my sweetheart... doing what we enjoy doing: Researching! ;)

nite nite and sweetdreams~

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

i'm so stressed.....

gosh it's really about people management.
feel like i'm the scapegoat.

Last night Zack and I were on our laptops.. sitting side by side.
Only difference: He was playing SC while I was working.... til 1.30am
Let's trade places.....

Then Megan woke up at 4.30am :S Wanted some cuddles.
So I stayed with her for about an hour.

I'm glad today's weather is gloomy.
i LOVE dark gloomy weather, feels cosy.
it reminds me of Christmas.

Zack met Megan and I at Compass Point yesterday. We had dinner there.
And I met Kee Peng at the control station.
Kee Peng was the adult counsellor working at TP and was in-charge of us Pacesetters. His daughter is the sweetest little thing. 4year old beauty. He had migrated to Canada many years back. If I'm not wrong, he moved after he left TP. Now he is travelling around. Lectures in a uni and only works 8months a year! He has a business too so is travelling ard now. He said when his daughter was born, he took a year off to look after her - and still got paid! (70% though) That's the welfare in Canada. Maternity leave there is 1 year! I love a place that is pro-family. His BIL is actually a paramedic in Vancouver and said he could liase us if we want :)

Plenty more to say.
But I gotta upload some vids on megan's blog for grandma.
Gotta go grocery shopping too.
Megan has finished her salmon.

I'm so tired.
And i'm dreading checking my email....


Tuesday, August 03, 2010

We went shopping at vivo!

the window kind. Weather was hot, i had to make a trip to the bank.. so off we went to vivo. Somehow i felt strangely dissatisfied. I was on a mission to find sinful gooey chocolate cake (craving!) but couldnt find any and i didnt buy anything for megan! Yeah i know i said window shop.. haha. As usua, megan is a darling. We are on our way hm now (in the train) and she is sound aslp in the stroller :)

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Megan is off to vivo!

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Had a FULL afternoon planned yesterday..

and I'm happy cos I managed to settle so many things!

1pm: Sy for quick lunch - pass her her present!
2pm: Work Appointment - George Street
3pm: Work Appointment - Raffles Place
3.15pm: Bank
3.30pm onwards: Go to office to check mails then meet Kelley for a chat - pass her her gals presents! (Jalan Sultan / Keypoint)

Perfect plan but an idiot screwed it up! I shall not go into deets here, will just rile me up again. He is THE MOST inconsiderate and selfish person! I was set back by a good 1 hour! As a result, I couldn't get to the bank in time! (Now I need to make a trip out later today with Megan).

Just as well cos everything was pushed back and Zack came to pick me up at Jalan Sultan on his way home.. hehe. Went to the office to check my mail and check some documents. Realised that Kelley's office is just opposite mine! But she was in a meeting when I was done so I waited for her. There was a korean supermarket there so I browsed around. Bought this really nice snack - got 3 packets. 2 for us, 1 for Rachel. Zack likes it alot! And a bottle of honey ginger tea for my sweet FIL (He is really the best!!) It's like a jam, scoop some out and just add water. Honey ginger tea is good for old folks.

Kel's meeting took a long time so I decided to not wait: Went up to her office and left the presents at her desk. So we didnt get to meet :( Zack was on his way and nearing. I walked to the FABULOUS beach rd fish soup stall, placed an order and waited for him. We had a FAB dinner that night (takeaway) :) Reached home at 6.30pm. Grandpa looked like he had a good time with Megan :)

Exhausting but fulfilled. Caught up with Sy over lunch (she gave me a bday treat :)), it's so long overdue! :) But it was too short :( Gave her her Hersheys cushion. Hope she likes it! I was so tempted to keep it for myself.. hehe. Perhaps I'll meet her again at her workplace one last time before she moves office. Will bring Megan this time.

Alrighty, gotta go!
Get some work and housechores done. Bringing Megan out later!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

at ikea now!

Early dinner and grocery shopping at the opposite giant - we got vouchers! Weird feeling when Zack said: "Dun anyhow buy stuff, we are leaving already." My heart skipped a beat..

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