Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

She is MY baby and I decide what to feed her!
I want the best for her and I am MAKING her food so dont you dare tell me otherwise! I am NOT giving her those commercial jar babyfood for as long as possible!

I AM HER MOTHER! and don't anyone forget that!!!

Just because i'm easy-going doesnt mean i am a pushover. THIS is where i put my foot down and ANYONE.. ANYONE who even try to lift it.. will bear the heat of my wrath!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wanna say THANKS to everyone... for their thoughtful presents.
big and small..... I love every single one of them :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Singapore Idol is so NOT worth watching.....

I hope Sylvia wins!!!

she looks gorgeous tonight!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Blessed Christmas to all!

Waiting for Zack to be done with his game (he's into xbox again!)
then we'll have some fun unwrapping our presents!!!
first time ever.. the space under our Christmas tree is filled with presents!
(special thanks to Ben+Val and Chris+Elynne :))

a particular present i'm so itching to open...........

it's from my darling sister :)
i dont know what to say.. seriously.
please dont pamper me so much can? *misty-eyed*

We had a marvellous time at Zack's gu gu's house!
every year the entire family will gather and have a Christmas lunch..
it's always such a heartwarming event.
this year.. there are 2 new additional to the family:

a little sunshine popped up to greet me :)

My little darling's 1st Christmas!
and she was a great gal at Grand Gu Gu's house!
everyone said she's such a smiling baby :)
didnt fuss at all.. took 2 naps in the midst of all the noise.
and goodness.. she was the chubbiest of them all!
Elson is 8 months old and weighing 8kg.
this gal.... 5 months old and weighing 7.8kg!
even Ian who is 18 months old is slimmer than her.
and also the only baby who is sleeping thru the night!
poor Julianne (Elson's mummy) is still waking every 3-4 hrs every night :(
Ian too is waking every 3-4 hrs to feed at night!
I guess Zack and I are really fortunate..
Megan is now sleeping 11 hrs: 8am - 7am!
Note: to show Julianne the article on babycentre on how to eliminate night feedings. Once a baby has double his birthweight (or reach 7kg), his tummy is big enough to sustain him for the whole night. If he is waking up, it's usually due to habit.

Oh.. Zack's done!

uhhhhh.... it's toilet break.... -_-

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chris and Elynne came to play!

We played MONOPOLY!

the Orchard Rd of monopoly... monopolised by Elynne and I!
we did a joint-venture and own the entire street *smirk*
check out the hotels - everytime the guys visit our hotel, they have to pay $2000/$1275! hahahhaha! Zack got bankrupt within 1 round! he lost ALL his property and money :P

gosh.. we had so much fun (laughed til my throat is abit sore now) until Zack and i were late for Christmas service *sheepish*
They just went off.. was really nice having them around :)
Happy for Chris.. Elynne is a really lovely gal.
Their wedding will be on 15 Jan 2011!
Hey Megan can be their flower gal.. hehe..

Oh Elynne just bought the loveliest Miu Miu bag.. for $1.8k!
the color is blue-grey, with gold hardware and ohsogorgeous!!
dun worry Zack... i'm NOT hinting.. hahaha.
pretty things must admire ;)

sings: "everybody needs a busom for a pillow.."

Megan just fell asleep on mummy's lap... :)
she was fussing... full tummy, clean diaper (pooped twice so far and it's not even 10.30am!), didnt wanna sleep when i tuck her in bed so i carried her, propped her on my lap while i upload our KK pics on the com.

After awhile i look down and there she is... snoozing :)
she got my busom for her pillow!
no wonder so comfortable.. haha
my baby... the sweetest thing ever
love her too much!

am NOT playing monopoly with Isaac Chan again!!!!

11pm - 1.30am
dough gone and...and......
refused to mortage my houses and hotel
have to resort to trade other favors instead!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the Revelation of my present...!

......Tod's Pashmy Bauletto in champagne!
this fall-winter 09/10's new technical fabric... the pashmy is sooooooo soft and luxurious!!

pewter satin lining

it looks different under daylight!

gorgeous aint it?! ;)

yes i know.. i'm thoroughly blessed and pampered *beams*
i sayang my darling too noe :)
love you many many! *muaksssss* :)


it's happening anytime NOW.. or might already have happened!
he said he's gonna do it in the morning.
i cant wait to hear how it went!!!
she's gonna be so thrilled!!!
cant disclose deets here... this is TOO important :D

so happy for you! *hugs my dear boy*

We're home!!!

The 3 Chans had a lovely lovely time in Kota Kinabalu!
hilarious stuff... blog and post pics later.. hehe.

For starters....... :)

back after i'm done with unpacking and laundry ;)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

17th Dec....

and today also marks the day of Megan's 1st holiday! :D

we'll be off to Kota Kinabalu in less than 12hours!
gosh.. packing is really quite a tedious task.
we're packing all of Megan's clothes..
and a whole truckload of stuff .
i'm in fact pretty nervous and stressed..
i hope we got everything and she'll be good on the plane.
feel like there are a million things on my mind..
so many things to pack along and every one of them seems so important!

dead beat now.
long and busy day.
gotta pump then head to bed.
will be having an early start later..
Pappe is going to Rachel's.
gonna miss her.... :(

Monday, December 14, 2009

I came back from doing the dishes to find my little darling......

......rolled over and watching tv!!!

i so love her to bits :)

my preciousss...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I've been taxed!!!

what the.........!!!!

Zack came home this morning with a letter from SingPost (ICA). My item has been taxed :S So we packed Megan's stuff and headed to Singapore Post Office @ Eunos to pay the taxes and collect my parcel. My darling was so sweet! Even though he was tired from working last night, he took me there to collect my parcel :) Must sayang him :)

Still feeling the pinch of having to pay taxes *sigh*. Be mindful that any purchase (gift or not) above SGD400 will be taxed!

But my present......

One word: DIVINE


Friday, December 11, 2009

*ding dong...* it's here it's here it's here!!!!!

*dance and dashed to the door*

"parcel for Mr Isaac Chan..."


(Zack's mean.. he laughed at me)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

sashayed in 3inches......

.....for the 1st time in more than a year!

but my legs are breaking now :(
i used to be able to run in 4inches!
what happened?!!!

my afternoon.. in a span of 5hrs
1) lovely 2.5hr lunch with Zenia
2) thread brows in Arcade
3) visited my old colleagues - Theresa, Evelyn and Sam
4) sent Alfie to the hospital - he gotta stay there for 3 weeks and i'm $164 poorer.. *sigh* cant bring him to KK next week now.. what am i to do there then?!!

Wanted to make a stop at Raffles City but my legs were close to breaking and Zack called to chase me home (twas only 5pm!). So i took the train at the opposite platform and headed home.

Came home to see big darling and small darling infront of the tv. Daddy did great! Megan is clean and fed, napped for a good 1hr 45mins (he msged me to brag!) Very impressed I begrudingly say. But Daddy looks wiped out... hahahaha!

But hey... Mummy bought Daddy a present! :)

Did I mention he woke up at 10am to take over? Even gave me some money so I could have some fun :) So sweet right? So must praise him many many ;) A little appreciation goes a long way :)

gosh... i'm dead beat and nursing a headache....
gonna go hit the sack..
mummy is on nightshift tonight.

Up Up and Away.... this afternoon!

Been up extra early today to do some housechores...


I'm going out today!!!!!
Meeting Zenia for lunch.. then i'd get some stuff done.
too many things i wanna do!
1) brows thread at Arcade
2) trim my hair at Johnny's
3) get some Christmas presents at City Hall
4) look for Megan's Dedication dress
5) send Alfie to the hospital

no time no time... how how???
i cant do all :(

Zack will be taking care of Megan this afternoon - SOLO! *grins*
some father and daughter time..
He said he will take her out.. hehe
I'm so looking forward to him taking care of her solo..
then he'd know how tiring it can be.
dont think I everyday stay at home sit infront of the tv all day okay! :P

Gosh... this is the first time i'm out on my own since Megan is out..
just doing my stuff, relaxing and browsing the shops.. leisurely
that's 4months 2weeks 6days!
finally some ME-TIME!!!
I'm going to get on my heels again!
wait a min... i cant fit into them now!!! :(
my shoe size seems to have gone up a size or a half..

opps.. i hear my little darling's music.
she's rousing... so here starts my day.
aint it amusing how someone so little calls all the shots :P

be good today ok Megan...
but dont have to be too good for Daddy.. hehe..

love my babies... big one, small one and black/white one *beams*


Zack was amused i can remember it.. hahaha.
never been more excited to receive a parcel :)
it's in Singapore! and current at the customs..
praying they wouldnt tax me!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

opps.. my travel guides are overdue!

We are going to London and Spain next year! wooohooooo!!!!
KL - London - Madrid - Barcelona - London - KL
Zack's 30th bday gift :)
Sometimes i wonder if i'm too nice to him!
First Maldives... now Spain.
No more after this!!!
It will be my dream destination next....

Busy busy as a bumble bee..

SAT: Church in the morning. Shopping at Vivo in the afternoon. Bought Megan some stuff from Gap.. 30% off! We had lunch at this Jap restaurant - Gourmet House (i think). Food's pretty good but pricey! Megan was a good gal and didn't fuss much. She looks so cute in her pink Ralph Lauren dress and Adidas crib shoes! But Zack was tired after 2 hours and wanted to go home.. *sigh* Me? I was like a bird flying free!!!
i look as round as Megan here *sobs*
but Megan looks too cute i have to post this (ugly one of me) pic

SUN: Megan had a first SPA session at Rachel's! We packed her float and stuff and pop over Rachel's in the afternoon. She likes it! But the float was irritating her abit. Mummy had a spa session too while ah yi took care of Megan. Zack and Andrew went to the new Shing Song to buy lala. Andrew cooked us some really nice HOT lala... so sedup!
*pics and vid up soon!*

MON: Stay home day.

TUE: Met Chris and Elynne for dinner at Vivo. Unfortunately Megan was cranky and we had a pretty hard time. She probably was too tired and Marche was too bright and noisy for her. We had to leave shortly after dinner :( We suspect she is beginning to recognise places and faces. Gotta bring her out more often to let her get used to different environment.

Christmas Tree is up!
our theme this year is BLACK and RED :)

*more pics coming*

Aunt Flo is finally here!
i wasted quite a few pregnancy test kits.
that explains my moodswings the past few days..
it was pretty bad... poor zack..
and also the bloatedness.. :(
i always bloat bad before my period.. sigh..
Zack's so horrible.. he calls me "my xiao yuan yuan"
*HUMPH* i WILL get back my pre-preg figure!
i can fit into my jeans now!
cant wait to start taking Yasmin... it is marvellous for water retention.
but i cant at the moment cos i'm still breastfeeding.

Why isnt my parcel here yet??? :(
It was shipped out from New York on 5th Dec.
Zack is also expecting one. His was sent on 4th Dec.
So we are both waiting in anticipation.
I hope mine will arrive today!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

I have just embarked on a journey many women had said there's no turning back.


Friday, December 04, 2009

i'm so tired......

some updates and pics to post but i'm just too tired..
another time i guess...

planned to take Megan out shopping in town.
wanna go check out Ion.
even picked out her clothes and shoes..
but it had to rain the entire afternoon :S
so stayed home instead.. :(

but ju's H.A.P.P.Y!


her Bday/Christmas present has been shipped!!!!!!!!!!!

see how long i have to wait for my bday present! hehe...
but it's okay... it's SO WORTH THE WAIT *beams*

(This is actually not the bday present Zack planned for me, he planned to give me a slimming package for my after-pregnancy cos i've been fretting over my figure since i got preg.. haha. Then he thought i didnt need it. That's not true... I look in the mirror every morning and get so depressed... *sigh*)

alright... i gotta go pump then to bed.
i'm completely wiped out..
and my mood is going downhill.
i looked at my mum's knitting needles and started to cry..
that's when i know i'm totally drained...

Still.... I miss you. You will love Megan so much... you will knit those beautiful bootees for her... you will take care of her and will be the best grandma Megan will ever have. Again... i ask God, why must He take you away??

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Back to Front... Front to Back!

Megan just flipped from her back to her front.... 3 times!!!
I was in the room when i heard Megan making noises at her gym. I went out to check on her and to my surprise, she was almost on her front! Ran to the room to wake Zack up. Went back to see her and she was on her tummy already! So flipped her to her back and she did it again!!! Then another time when i was on the phone with Rachel (exclaiming to her Megan's recent mighty feat.. haha)

It was so funny.. it was just yesterday i was beginning to get worried about Megan flipping. She doesn't like tummy time nor being on her tummy for long periods. Like that how to flip right? Usually babies will flip from their tummy to their back. Who would have thought my little darling will flip the other way - Back to Front! hahahah!

For the past week or so, Megan had began to turn on her sides.. right to left, left to right. And last week, she was like 3/4 flipped. Her legs were crossed all the way flat on the floor and she looked twisted like a pretzal.. haha.

Gosh... i'm going on and on like Megan had just won a gold olympic medal... hahahah! It certainly feels like it! :P

Welcome to Motherhood! :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

should i.. should i.... that bag????


why am i feeling kinda down?

cant pinpoint why and what.
all jumbled up inside.
not feeling too sleepy as yet.
many things on my mind.
so many things that worry me.
one of them.. Pappe didnt eat all day *sigh*
had to force some booster vits down her throat.
look at Megan and wonder am i doing enough for her.
somehow i dont think i am.
with all the reading i had done..
i tot i know what i'm doing.
but i've failed her in so many ways.
i can't even bfeed her exclusively.
what right have i to be proud of?

i look at myself.
flighty ju.. flighty ju.
tried my hands at many.
yet nothing to my name.
will i be asking myself the same ole question 10 years later?
why do i feel like my life is over when it has only just started?

and suddenly, i feel so tired....

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Megan's 1st present from Mummy and Daddy...

....a pretty pink luggage!

the matt pink.. simply sweeeeeet~

complete with matching Victoria's Secret luggage tag ;P

mummy has a matching one too!

Megan sure loves her new present.. hahaha
love this pic!

Megan....the budding globe trekker!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Megan recognises mummy!!!

i can't begin to say what a wonderful feeling it is.... when your baby grins widely, makes all sorts of ahhh and cooos.. and lungs forward towards you after not seeing you the whole day *glows*

Megan spent sunday at Grand's. Zack and i managed to get some good afternoon nap and went to Ikea for dinner. It was 7pm when we went to pick her up. She was up and grandma and her were watching tv. When she saw us, she got really happy and active. Couldnt wait to hold her in my arms.. grandma wasnt ready to relinquish her little darling yet.. hahaha. I was talking to her and she was grinning away at me.. she 'talked' to me almost like chiding us for leaving her.. haha. She got really noisy, making her favourite ahhhs and gaahhhs and pumping her legs and flagging her arms towards me. It was so cute! Grandma said she didnt make this much noise the whole day.

Megan may not look like mummy, but I say i'm Megan's favourite person! She saves me her brightest grins :)

Oh and yesterday.....
I was folding the laundry on the sofa and Megan was in her gym just infront of me, at my feet. She was awake and just looking around. I glanced at her and found her staring at me.. and she broke into a grin when i looked over at her. I did it a few times.. looking away and continue with my stuff, then look back at her. And she breaks into a grin every time my attention turned on her. My baby... i so love her to bits!!!

To think i was worried when i was expecting her, that she will be a sulky baby. I saw some sulky babies. Megan is turning out to be a very smiley and happy baby :) I must be doing something right, right? :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Feels like i'm missing something when i didnt wash Megan up and tuck her into bed tonight :(

Somehow i caught a cold and was sneezing away in the afternoon. We went to collect our passports (mine and Megan's) and headed to Mustafa. By the time we got home, i started getting the cold sweat and chills, not to mention a sore nose from all the rubbing. I knocked out on the sofa and Zack took over....

I only got up at 10.20pm! And Megan was tucked in bed and sound asleep. She was cranky from being overly tired.. didnt get her naps today. I actually fell asleep in the midst of her wailing while Zack was washing her up!

Hoping some more sleep will put me right back. Can't afford to fall sick. Though i'm surprised i have not fallen ill once since Megan is out.. with all the lack of sleep. When i dun get my sleep.. i usually am prime for a system shut-down. 4 months and still hanging there....

Hitting the sack now.
Stay tune for Megan's first present from mummy and daddy :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Can't believe Megan did not fuss one bit the entire day! Just that tiny bit after her bath and i managed to calm her down quickly. She was all smiles and a chatterbox.. haha. Whenever i talk or sing to her, she'll give me one of her gummy grins and sometimes 'talk' back to me. Megan is really a very smiley baby :) Had a few good naps too. She loves her play/exercise gym and can stay in it for long periods.. looking at the butterflies, lil monkey, holding the rattles... then fall fast asleep after awhile. Her tummy time on it is also improving. Guess all the bright colors and toys entertains her. I'm happy we bought her the gym.. i say it's money well spent!

*pics and video coming soon!*
(they are all on Zack's laptop and he brought it to work)

She's gorgeous... so gorgeous.
and she's all mine!!!
still cant believe she came from me :)

going to have a early night..
i'm totally beat.
gonna go pump then hit the sack.
Megan's sleeping with mummy tonight! :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Victoria's Secret Shopping Spree!!!

My Christmas present: VS Shopping Spree!
Zack gave me a budget of US100 (excluding shipping)!

Early start today...
woke up at 6am and realised that Megan didnt wake the entire night! I hurridly went to check on her and found her beginning to rouse. 9-10hours of sleep?! While its great, i'm worried she will knock out from lack of sugar.. haha. Fed her and by the time i'm done, the sun is streaming through the blinds. I know i couldnt get back to sleep so here i am. Early start today..

Taking a few minutes here before i go get the hsechores done. Gosh... it's like a never-ending task. Make that task(S)! I noticed that as i become a SAHM, i'm beginning to get really fussy about the house. I try to keep it as neat and clean as possible. While it's inevitable that things get out of place - 2 not-very-neat people, a baby with increasing number of gadgets, and a dog who cant keep her fur to herself - it tends to irk me more now.

on a positive note...
i'm very good at speedchoring! I can now get the house mostly clean and tidy before Frankie says relax.. haha!

Ok.. i shant waste time here. I got a kitchen to clean (Zack used it last night!) and hopefully able to clean the toilets before Megan wakes. I got maybe.... until 9am? Once the house is clean and somewhat neat.. i can surf the net and read my travel books whenever Megan naps :)

Have a good Thursday dears~
let's pray the weather is good today!
by good i mean... rainy!
nice and cosy while we're indoors ;)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

now it's my turn to relax...

.....while my darling Zack cooks me dinner :)
said he'll cook me dinner cos he appreciates me.. awww.....
he's now working hard at the stove.
i'm sure dinner will be awesome... cos it's cooked with Love! :P

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dinner is ready!

Piping hot on the stove....

Seafood (prawn and fresh scallops) Aglio Olio
i must sat it tastes pretty good :)
just waiting for Zack to come home from work.
he is covering his colleague til 10.30pm.
my poor darling must be starving.

he has worked 5 day-shifts with only 1 off day.
13 hours straight * 5
go figure.
i'm beat too... cos when Zack works, i will do the night feed.
this means i havent had much good sleep in days...
but thank God Megan's sleeping hours at night had been great.
last night, she slept from 8.30pm - 3.45am - that's more than 6hours.
mother's instinct is really cool!
many times i will just wake up to check on her,
only to find that she was just beginning to rouse.
But on the other hand, i dont ever sleep well nor deeply.
it's like on a 24/7 standby mode..

think i'll go take a nap while waiting for Zack..


Megan and half of mummy

lomo by fu

Monday, November 16, 2009

Travel & Living: Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown

What are the odds that today's episode is where we'll be visiting next year! Of crse i MUST tune in, even if i got to miss my Growing Up (ogling at Steven Lim). The more i research, the more excited i get. The buildings... architecture... one word: STUNNING! I was telling Zack about my finds during dinner just now and he was only half listening to me.. he was smiling at me.. said he could see the glitter in my eyes.. hehe. It's funny how i've never been interested in this place. Zack has always wanted to go and he turns 30 next year. So i thought it'll be a great present to him (well it's THE big three zero ;)). Now i'm thoroughly hooked!

can't wait for 11 months to speed by.
oh yes... airtickets are booked!!!
i got about a year to arrange the other logistics..
carefully selecting the hotels, planning the itinerary, finding cheap domestic flights between the cities. This is such fun!!!

alrighty i'm going to read my travel guides for abit then hit the sack.
jeez... i really should be doing the bible study guides Mum Elsie gave me *bashful*

I wanna get this for Megan!!

Fair Isle Sweater Coat by Gap
isnt this just lovely?!
but it's too soon to be ordering outercoats..
she'll be 15months then...
(that's 11 months to go!)
but.. i can buy size 12-18 mths right? :P

did i mention it's on sale ;)

Megan needs a jacket like this too..
this gal is so adorable.. i just have to snap a pic of her (in Venice)
gonna ask Rachel if she can knit a beanie like this for Megan
she is knitting a beret for her now!

half done, it's the sweetest thing ever!
lovingly knitted.. stitch by stitch.. pearl by pearl by her aunty.
Megan has such a doting Aunty :)

the gang came to play!

Zack just sent Marky, Fu and Des home.
they came over for dinner and shisha :)
was supposed to meet them at taokee for dinner
but cos Megan has to be in bed by 8pm, they hang out at our home.
dun wanna mess up her bedtime schedule..
the past week had a few disruptions and it got abit out of whack.

and i gotta GOOD massage!
many many thanks to Marky :D
carrying a 7kg sumo all day everyday took its toll!

the Godpas managed to spend some time with their God-daughter. I'm surprised they are so taken in with her :) You know.. usually guys are more clueless about babies :P Marky asked after her almost everytime we chat online and always ask for pics of her. Fu took a nice shot of Megan and i! Will scan and post it. I guess as a parent... anyone who dotes on your child is an awesome friend :)

it's 5mins to 2am.
Megan should be up soon for her night feed.

Megan spent afternoon at Grand's. Zack said he wanted to spend some time alone with me... awww.... so sweet :) so we did some part towing :)
:: nice jap lunch
:: shopping! - i bought 3 tops, 2 necklaces
:: short nap in the afternoon
:: went to library and borrowed 4 travel guide books!

i'm actually pretty beat now.
should i go to bed?
or wait for Megan to wake?

Friday, November 13, 2009

no time no time......

i've been on ebay buying stuff!
not for myself but my darling sis..
got her a Coach wristlet for Christmas :)
and a Coach Hampton for her from her hubby..
so fun to buy stuff using someone else's dough ;)
wait a minute... seems like i've been buying presents for others... and nothing for myself! hmmm.....

and and.....

busy doing up a draft itinerary for a GOOOOD trip next year!
going to book the tickets soon so have to make sure on the dates.
how long in each cities???!!
aaahhhh.. the dilemma......

this trip is Zack's 30th bday present :)
and he LOVES it.
he'd better!
now tell me.... why do i dote on him so much???
ah yes.. cos he bought me haagan daz yesterday! :P

ok gotta go do more research before my princess wakes!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

shopping list:

- toilet rolls
- sofix laminate detergent
- laundry detergent
- a loaf of bread
- peanut butter
- guava
- eggs

Hitting the sack now.
it's been a long day..
and my left arm is aching from carrying Megan..
our little sumo is 7kg now!!!
my sister spent the day with us today
it was heartwarming :)
Zack went fishing with uncle Freddy..
finally after 4 months!
encouraged him to go fish but he always ended up staying home with Megan and i
he really is a terrific daddy and hubby :)

Yesterday i had a 2-hr nap in the afternoon.
hadnt had this luxury in months!
Zack said he'd feed Megan so i went to the room and promptly dropped dead on the bed. Thought he'd come wake me, instead he switched on the fan, drew the blinds and set the alarm for a 2-hr nap for me :) I intended to just nap for 30mins. That 2 hrs did wonders :)

Tomorrow is Monday.
and no monday blues for me!!!
but i got my days full with Megan.. haha.
i gotta go sleep and gear up for tomorrow.
probably 3 hours to her next feed.
Zack is working tonight so i gotta do the night feed..


Thursday, November 05, 2009

J: Do you miss my pre-pregnancy figure?
Z: Noo.
J: Why not? it's so much nicer...
Z: I love the woman, not the figure.
J: *awwww* :)

Monday, November 02, 2009

no expectations.. no disappointments

Statement: People are selfish beings.
it's an innate flaw.

Today i caught 'The Beach' on tv..
and a particular part of the movie disturbed me.
it was when 3 guys were attacked by sharks.
2 died and 1 survived with part of his leg torn apart.
the surviving man was in great pain and moaning.
it was affecting everyone and they decided to put him in the jungle..
far away from everyone.
so they wouldnt be faced with his cries of pain..
and they can continue with their merry-making.
only 1 guy stayed with him to care for him.

It's appalling.

Can't help feeling disturbed and sad.
how selfish can men be.

I wonder should i ever be in need..
which of my friends will be there for me..
supporting me, comforting me.
even if it inconvenience them.
especially if it inconvenience them.

Since Megan was born, i discovered a set of people who unexpectedly were very supportive.
When i was feeling depressed and having some baby blues in the first 2 months, Ben & Val came by a few times to cheer me up, despite their heavy schedule.
My aunty had been coming to cook for me and teaching me how to care for Megan.
My cousins whom i had not been close to will drop me msgs to check on things and when Megan was sick, showed such great concern.
Fu who came to visit Megan the minute he heard she was hospitalised. Yy who msged to let me know she is there for me and Sy who checked that Megan is fine.

As what Ben said...
it's the little things that count.
a simple act of love, concern and thoughtfulness
that's all it takes.
and it goes a long way...

you dun need alot of them.
just that handful who loves you.
that's enough.

(like choosing my favorite chocolate chip cookies at Subway instead of your macadamia cookies)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

mummy's midnight surprise!

Just woke up to check on Megan and guess what i saw??
Megan sucking her thumb!
just her thumb, not the fist sucking she had been engaging..
not a good habit but she looks sooooooo cute!

Megan enjoying logan the lion.. blessed by Godpa Ben and Aunty Val :)

"Hi, my name is Megan... my mummy and daddy calls me pui pui.."

"arrgggghhh....tummy time is so not fun... let me lift my head for a second just to make mummy happy... then i'll start crying so she'll put me back on my back.."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

...and it's time to resize our pockets!

Bought Zack a present! *grins*
Ordered on ebay and it arrived on Thursday! Very fast delivery.. just one thing - wrong item sent! :S Gotta send it back and it'll be 2-3 weeks before Zack can get his present... tsk tsk. Must wake my darling up later cos post office closes at 1.30pm.

We've been on a shopping spree of late. Bought tons for Megan!
Now that she has hit 3months.. it's time to retire some clothes, bring out new ones and buy some niceties. On thursday, Megan and mummy went shopping with daddy's credit card while he went for his haircut.. hehe. I havent told him yet! :P
Fox: 2 t-shirts, 1 bodysuit, 2 knit leggings
Kiddy Palace: 3 sets of pj, 1 disney footed onesie - best buy!
Price Tag:$12.90!!!
Original Price: $29.90

......and i'm still not done yet! So tempted to do some Gap online shopping now.. First Favorites on 20% now!
Baby's Hyperstore: A Bumbo seat!

ooooh check out this stroller! Aint it pretty?!

fit for a princess!
Price tag: $789
This can be Megan's travelling stroller. You should see the look on Zack's face when i told him that... hahaha! Of crse i wouldnt get this lah.. it's insanely priced. Money dont grow on tree okay. But so preeeeety right?? Zack liked another stroller.. more like a carriage. Very european. Price tag: $2000+! I have to admit it's totally gorgeous... Jeez, why are we looking at strollers?? Megan already got a Quinny! For what we paid for it, she'd better snuggle in there for the next 4 years!

Now i'm contemplating buying her this play/exercise gym. I wonder if it's worth the money but she really do need some entertainment and exercise to hone her motor skills. She hates tummy time so perhaps this will help.

Opps.. my little boss is up!