Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Busy busy as a bumble bee..

SAT: Church in the morning. Shopping at Vivo in the afternoon. Bought Megan some stuff from Gap.. 30% off! We had lunch at this Jap restaurant - Gourmet House (i think). Food's pretty good but pricey! Megan was a good gal and didn't fuss much. She looks so cute in her pink Ralph Lauren dress and Adidas crib shoes! But Zack was tired after 2 hours and wanted to go home.. *sigh* Me? I was like a bird flying free!!!
i look as round as Megan here *sobs*
but Megan looks too cute i have to post this (ugly one of me) pic

SUN: Megan had a first SPA session at Rachel's! We packed her float and stuff and pop over Rachel's in the afternoon. She likes it! But the float was irritating her abit. Mummy had a spa session too while ah yi took care of Megan. Zack and Andrew went to the new Shing Song to buy lala. Andrew cooked us some really nice HOT lala... so sedup!
*pics and vid up soon!*

MON: Stay home day.

TUE: Met Chris and Elynne for dinner at Vivo. Unfortunately Megan was cranky and we had a pretty hard time. She probably was too tired and Marche was too bright and noisy for her. We had to leave shortly after dinner :( We suspect she is beginning to recognise places and faces. Gotta bring her out more often to let her get used to different environment.

Christmas Tree is up!
our theme this year is BLACK and RED :)

*more pics coming*

Aunt Flo is finally here!
i wasted quite a few pregnancy test kits.
that explains my moodswings the past few days..
it was pretty bad... poor zack..
and also the bloatedness.. :(
i always bloat bad before my period.. sigh..
Zack's so horrible.. he calls me "my xiao yuan yuan"
*HUMPH* i WILL get back my pre-preg figure!
i can fit into my jeans now!
cant wait to start taking Yasmin... it is marvellous for water retention.
but i cant at the moment cos i'm still breastfeeding.

Why isnt my parcel here yet??? :(
It was shipped out from New York on 5th Dec.
Zack is also expecting one. His was sent on 4th Dec.
So we are both waiting in anticipation.
I hope mine will arrive today!

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