Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Up Up and Away.... this afternoon!

Been up extra early today to do some housechores...


I'm going out today!!!!!
Meeting Zenia for lunch.. then i'd get some stuff done.
too many things i wanna do!
1) brows thread at Arcade
2) trim my hair at Johnny's
3) get some Christmas presents at City Hall
4) look for Megan's Dedication dress
5) send Alfie to the hospital

no time no time... how how???
i cant do all :(

Zack will be taking care of Megan this afternoon - SOLO! *grins*
some father and daughter time..
He said he will take her out.. hehe
I'm so looking forward to him taking care of her solo..
then he'd know how tiring it can be.
dont think I everyday stay at home sit infront of the tv all day okay! :P

Gosh... this is the first time i'm out on my own since Megan is out..
just doing my stuff, relaxing and browsing the shops.. leisurely
that's 4months 2weeks 6days!
finally some ME-TIME!!!
I'm going to get on my heels again!
wait a min... i cant fit into them now!!! :(
my shoe size seems to have gone up a size or a half..

opps.. i hear my little darling's music.
she's rousing... so here starts my day.
aint it amusing how someone so little calls all the shots :P

be good today ok Megan...
but dont have to be too good for Daddy.. hehe..

love my babies... big one, small one and black/white one *beams*

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