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Friday, December 25, 2009

Blessed Christmas to all!

Waiting for Zack to be done with his game (he's into xbox again!)
then we'll have some fun unwrapping our presents!!!
first time ever.. the space under our Christmas tree is filled with presents!
(special thanks to Ben+Val and Chris+Elynne :))

a particular present i'm so itching to open...........

it's from my darling sister :)
i dont know what to say.. seriously.
please dont pamper me so much can? *misty-eyed*

We had a marvellous time at Zack's gu gu's house!
every year the entire family will gather and have a Christmas lunch..
it's always such a heartwarming event.
this year.. there are 2 new additional to the family:

a little sunshine popped up to greet me :)

My little darling's 1st Christmas!
and she was a great gal at Grand Gu Gu's house!
everyone said she's such a smiling baby :)
didnt fuss at all.. took 2 naps in the midst of all the noise.
and goodness.. she was the chubbiest of them all!
Elson is 8 months old and weighing 8kg.
this gal.... 5 months old and weighing 7.8kg!
even Ian who is 18 months old is slimmer than her.
and also the only baby who is sleeping thru the night!
poor Julianne (Elson's mummy) is still waking every 3-4 hrs every night :(
Ian too is waking every 3-4 hrs to feed at night!
I guess Zack and I are really fortunate..
Megan is now sleeping 11 hrs: 8am - 7am!
Note: to show Julianne the article on babycentre on how to eliminate night feedings. Once a baby has double his birthweight (or reach 7kg), his tummy is big enough to sustain him for the whole night. If he is waking up, it's usually due to habit.

Oh.. Zack's done!

uhhhhh.... it's toilet break.... -_-

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