Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, November 27, 2009

Megan recognises mummy!!!

i can't begin to say what a wonderful feeling it is.... when your baby grins widely, makes all sorts of ahhh and cooos.. and lungs forward towards you after not seeing you the whole day *glows*

Megan spent sunday at Grand's. Zack and i managed to get some good afternoon nap and went to Ikea for dinner. It was 7pm when we went to pick her up. She was up and grandma and her were watching tv. When she saw us, she got really happy and active. Couldnt wait to hold her in my arms.. grandma wasnt ready to relinquish her little darling yet.. hahaha. I was talking to her and she was grinning away at me.. she 'talked' to me almost like chiding us for leaving her.. haha. She got really noisy, making her favourite ahhhs and gaahhhs and pumping her legs and flagging her arms towards me. It was so cute! Grandma said she didnt make this much noise the whole day.

Megan may not look like mummy, but I say i'm Megan's favourite person! She saves me her brightest grins :)

Oh and yesterday.....
I was folding the laundry on the sofa and Megan was in her gym just infront of me, at my feet. She was awake and just looking around. I glanced at her and found her staring at me.. and she broke into a grin when i looked over at her. I did it a few times.. looking away and continue with my stuff, then look back at her. And she breaks into a grin every time my attention turned on her. My baby... i so love her to bits!!!

To think i was worried when i was expecting her, that she will be a sulky baby. I saw some sulky babies. Megan is turning out to be a very smiley and happy baby :) I must be doing something right, right? :)

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