Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, November 02, 2009

no expectations.. no disappointments

Statement: People are selfish beings.
it's an innate flaw.

Today i caught 'The Beach' on tv..
and a particular part of the movie disturbed me.
it was when 3 guys were attacked by sharks.
2 died and 1 survived with part of his leg torn apart.
the surviving man was in great pain and moaning.
it was affecting everyone and they decided to put him in the jungle..
far away from everyone.
so they wouldnt be faced with his cries of pain..
and they can continue with their merry-making.
only 1 guy stayed with him to care for him.

It's appalling.

Can't help feeling disturbed and sad.
how selfish can men be.

I wonder should i ever be in need..
which of my friends will be there for me..
supporting me, comforting me.
even if it inconvenience them.
especially if it inconvenience them.

Since Megan was born, i discovered a set of people who unexpectedly were very supportive.
When i was feeling depressed and having some baby blues in the first 2 months, Ben & Val came by a few times to cheer me up, despite their heavy schedule.
My aunty had been coming to cook for me and teaching me how to care for Megan.
My cousins whom i had not been close to will drop me msgs to check on things and when Megan was sick, showed such great concern.
Fu who came to visit Megan the minute he heard she was hospitalised. Yy who msged to let me know she is there for me and Sy who checked that Megan is fine.

As what Ben said...
it's the little things that count.
a simple act of love, concern and thoughtfulness
that's all it takes.
and it goes a long way...

you dun need alot of them.
just that handful who loves you.
that's enough.

(like choosing my favorite chocolate chip cookies at Subway instead of your macadamia cookies)

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