Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 08, 2009

shopping list:

- toilet rolls
- sofix laminate detergent
- laundry detergent
- a loaf of bread
- peanut butter
- guava
- eggs

Hitting the sack now.
it's been a long day..
and my left arm is aching from carrying Megan..
our little sumo is 7kg now!!!
my sister spent the day with us today
it was heartwarming :)
Zack went fishing with uncle Freddy..
finally after 4 months!
encouraged him to go fish but he always ended up staying home with Megan and i
he really is a terrific daddy and hubby :)

Yesterday i had a 2-hr nap in the afternoon.
hadnt had this luxury in months!
Zack said he'd feed Megan so i went to the room and promptly dropped dead on the bed. Thought he'd come wake me, instead he switched on the fan, drew the blinds and set the alarm for a 2-hr nap for me :) I intended to just nap for 30mins. That 2 hrs did wonders :)

Tomorrow is Monday.
and no monday blues for me!!!
but i got my days full with Megan.. haha.
i gotta go sleep and gear up for tomorrow.
probably 3 hours to her next feed.
Zack is working tonight so i gotta do the night feed..


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