Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Early start today...
woke up at 6am and realised that Megan didnt wake the entire night! I hurridly went to check on her and found her beginning to rouse. 9-10hours of sleep?! While its great, i'm worried she will knock out from lack of sugar.. haha. Fed her and by the time i'm done, the sun is streaming through the blinds. I know i couldnt get back to sleep so here i am. Early start today..

Taking a few minutes here before i go get the hsechores done. Gosh... it's like a never-ending task. Make that task(S)! I noticed that as i become a SAHM, i'm beginning to get really fussy about the house. I try to keep it as neat and clean as possible. While it's inevitable that things get out of place - 2 not-very-neat people, a baby with increasing number of gadgets, and a dog who cant keep her fur to herself - it tends to irk me more now.

on a positive note...
i'm very good at speedchoring! I can now get the house mostly clean and tidy before Frankie says relax.. haha!

Ok.. i shant waste time here. I got a kitchen to clean (Zack used it last night!) and hopefully able to clean the toilets before Megan wakes. I got maybe.... until 9am? Once the house is clean and somewhat neat.. i can surf the net and read my travel books whenever Megan naps :)

Have a good Thursday dears~
let's pray the weather is good today!
by good i mean... rainy!
nice and cosy while we're indoors ;)


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