Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, July 05, 2010

We had a FUN...FUN.. FUNTASTIC time at Universal Studios!

Weather was perfect!

It was Fu's bday (yesterday) and Colin's (today) so the whole gang headed down to Universal Studios. Gang: Fu, Des, Chris, Elynne, Renee, Colin, Cheryl (Renee's sis) and her bf. Renee works at Universal Studios so was able to get us discounted tickets! Thanks Renee!!

Megan had a great time too! It was a late night and she was all wide awake at 9! We were having dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. And on the way home, smiling and clapping her hands. Oh did I mention she has a slight tan now? :P She also watched her 1st 4D show (Shrek), without the googles though.. haha. But fell asleep halfway through :) Took her 1st carousel ride, watched the Waterworld show, and the Steven's Spielberg's lights camera action. She was such a brave gal! The waterworld show was loud with bombs, fire and deafening sounds but Megan was unfazed and was clapping away *LOL*. But she fussed a little during the Steven Spielberg's show - it was REALLY loud. I wrapped her in my arms and covered her head so she wouldnt be too frightened. Fussed a bit but no crying.. my brave little soldier :) Megan was a good girl yesterday. Napped twice, 2nd nap was 1 hr long! :) I didn't once minded the hassle of pushing stroller, lugging heavy mummy bag and insisted on bringing Megan along. Grandma and grandpa would love to babysit Megan. But whether she remembers it or not, I want her to have as many enriching experiences as possible. To broaden her exposure.

Zack and I managed to hit a few rides. Thanks to the uncles and aunties who helped watch Megan :) Didn't have to carry her much too.. haha :) I told Zack we are very blessed. Even though we have a baby, we are still able to enjoy movie dates, outings, and now theme park rides... all thanks to our family and friends :)

Will post the pics when I find the time to upload them. For now, here's one for starters. My fav!

To commerate Megan's 1st theme park excursion, we bought Megan lil Ginga! With the vouchers, paid only $3.90! :)

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