Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, July 09, 2010

The Hos and Chans on a thurs night..

Ben and Val came to visit last evening.. to play with little Megan. Unfortunately, Megan was Little Miss Grumpy - she was tired. So any loud laughter from Godpa Ben, she started to wail. Hahaha. Poor gal. I should have put her down for a nap at 5pm but Zack and I had to buy some grocery for dinner. I boiled soup and bought some dishes. They love my soup :)

Val gave lotsa beautiful books to Megan. I LOVE the flashcards! And the colorful textile books too. Gotta teach Megan how to care for them and play with them lovingly (yeah more so after watching Toy Story 3).

Still, Godpa Ben managed to catch a few nice albeit grumpy shots of our little princess.

out like a light...

My fav shot!

Zack calls this Megan's vogue pose.. haha!

We had a great chat over dinner after Megan went to bed. Had some very valuable advice from them. They really are a good source of info given their background and future plans. Very encouraging too. Zack is even more excited and convinced.. haha. I'm on the same page with them as well. Now it's time for serious planning. Dreaming big with butterflies in my tummy. But at the end of the day, we will leave it up to HIM. If it's meant to be, it will be.

Quite a bit of ramifications. Travel plans might have to change too.

After they left, Zack and I did more digging and reading. I'm excited for him! :)

one step at a time....

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