Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Megan's series of 1 year old birthday celebrations started last night...

....with a BLAST!

We had an absolutely awesome time last evening! :) Kicked off Megan's series of bday celebrations with the gang: Godpa Marky + Aunty Christina, Aunty Renee + Uncle Colin, Aunty Elynne came too (while Uncle Chris is in Indo for a wedding), Godpa Fu and Aunty Des. It touched us so when all our good friends made the effort to come celebrate with Megan :)

Godpa Marky & Aunty Christina came early to play with Megan. Then we headed off to Bugis for dinner at Nandos. Elynne and Renee met us there. Bought a cake on our way there and the staff at Nandos sang a birthday song for Megan. She looked so bewildered.. hahaha! They even went out to buy a present for Megan! How nice of them :) One thing was very evident.. and that's: Megan likes the Aunties way better! She didn't fuss one bit when Aunty Renee carried her, sat quietly on her lap. But when Godpa Fu came, she started to cry.. hahah. She had to take a while to warm up to Godpa Marky too. Funny yah. Godpa Marky was sad. Godpa Fu felt insulted.. ahahaha!

*remember to get vid from Marky on the Nandos celebration.

*break* going for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa! 2nd bday celebrations. Ta~

Continued on to our humble abode. After her bath and milk, little princess didn't wanna sleep. It was only when Renee and Colin arrived and wanted to see Megan. Everyone came into Megan's room and Megan had a great time being the centre of attention. Walked for all the uncles and aunties.. haha. After awhile, the guys went off to smoke shisha while Elynne, Christina, Renee and I stayed back in the room and chat. Megan finally settled down.. with the dim lights and our chatter.. she fell asleep on my lap :)

Our night didn't end til almost 4pm. Late night chat, dim light, shisha smoke.. with just a tad of gossip..haha. It was a great night with our friends :) We told them and we're glad we did :)

Megan thanks all uncles and aunties for the lovely presents :)

Godpa Marky and Aunty Christina for 'hugalot' (if i'm not wrong) from toy story 3 and the prettiest top and tutu skirt!

Aunty Renee and Uncle Colin for this pretty top. Can't wait for Megan to grow up so she can wear this.

Aunty Elynne bought Megan this sexy tube top! :)

is with family: Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle Adrian!

2 more to go ;)

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