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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

20 July: Megan turns ONE!!!

Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

Many people asked how we will be celebrating Megan's 1st birthday.
It's her 1st birthday and a big celebration is rightfully in order.
However, we decided to not take the conventional route of holding a big party, inviting family, friends and colleagues.. some of which in all honesty don't really care hoot about her. Just attending for the parents.

We want a celebration MEGAN will enjoy. Something that is meaningful FOR HER (not us).
At 1 year old, Megan doesn't take well to unfamiliar people. Having a party with a big crowd, will only put pressure on her to perform. I sure don't want my baby to have a stressful bday.

So we have decided to have a series of small celebrations. With family and with close friends who really care and love Megan. On her actual day, Megan will spend it with her 2 most favourite people in the whole wide world - Daddy and Mummy!

We brought her to Sentosa - Underwater World. Zoo and Birdpark were considered but due to the unpredictable weather, we stick to Underwater World. A place for her to engage her senses, broaden her exposure. I don't care what people say about babies not remembering anything - holidays or otherwise. I say any and every experience counts. Babies have the most complex brain, learning and developing at great leaps and bounds. I want to provide Megan with the best platform to learn and experience.

Now that's quite a talk. Here are some pictures!

On our way to Sentosa!

don't she look smashing in her outfit??
Thanks Aunty Elynne for buying her this sexy tube top :)

Daddy and Megan watching the stingrays..

"I want this stingray... bbq in sambal."

watching the octopus..

"ooohhhhhhh.... jumping jellyfish.."

The Pink Dolphins!

Nearing her naptime... thus the grumpiness.. haha

but she did clap along!

KO on our way home..

Thought it'll be nice to have some 'noise' for her cakecutting, we called Rachel Ah Yi if she is free to pop over after work. She was and excited to be invited so we picked her up on our way home.

Reach home only look so happy... she is clearly a homebaby :)

For her 1st birthday, Mummy baked Megan her very own birthday cake!
No money in the world can buy a cake baked with love ;)

Sugar-free applesauce and banana cake with creamcheese/maple syrup frosting
It's for babies so not that palatable for adults.. haha.

See how happy Megan is :)

see this gal... always like to disturb Pappe...


eating her bday cake..

"Very good Megan?"


This marks Megan's 3rd celebration.
1st: Sat - 17th, with Godpa Marky+Aunty Christina, Aunty Elynne, Godpa Fu, Aunty Des, Aunty Renee+Uncle Colin
2nd: Sun - 18th, with Grandpa and Grandma and Uncle Adrian
3rd: Tues - 20th (Birthday!), with Daddy and Mummy and Rachel Ah Yi and Andrew Yi Zhang.
4th: Sat - 24th, with Mama Nancy and Rachel Ah Yi.

Small meaningful celebrations..
I know Megan had a great time :)

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