Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

"3 frogs on the loose!"

*scolds Zack*
No more frogs for your arowana!

I'm SO behind on my photo posts....
(I've yet to post our Vietnam Trip Report - and that's 1 year ago! Argghhhh!)
Will work on that soon... i hope.. :P
Next up will be some terrific shots Ben took of Megan when Ben+Val came to visit the sat before last.

Strange... but i'm kinda missing Zack tonight..
I should be used to his shift.. wait, i AM used to it..
but i suppose it's alright for a wife to miss her hubby some days ya? :)

can't wait for my stepper!
and get started on an exercise regime..
my darling said he will get me one! :)
so i can exercise at home while watching Megan.
high time i whip this bod back into shape!
it's taking way too long.... *sigh*
but on a positive note...
huge encouragement.
i do get depressed sometimes.. especially after looking at my past pics :(
gosh, I was really slim before!
why did i ever think i was fat back then?
now i am! :S
but Zack told me his colleagues commented that i've lost alota weight already.
(they've seen me at the various weddings)
funnily Zack likes my current figure, said I was too skinny before.
well, i sure can tell he likes it! - no noti tots pls....
still..... i HAVE to do something.
being a mother doesn't mean letting myself go down south.
but hey, i can fit into my old mini.. and has to return the size: S top from VS cos it's too big! So that's somewhat a consolation..

getting there Ju... getting there.. albeit too slowly :(
*pat pat*

the haze is back... big time.
tried sleeping with the fan last night
but the pungent haze woke me in the middle of the night.
not psyched breathing in those fumes plus Pappe was sleeping with me.
she'd usually sleep with Megan (with the aircon on) - clever dog.
so turned the aircon on...
i try to sleep with the fan at night when Zack is on night shift..
so he can sleep with the aircon in the humid afternoon.
2 rooms with aircon on all night, with 1 room on since 8pm..
utility bill is gonna be sky high!
money don't grow on trees ya know.
but from the looks of it.. i don't have much of a choice...
(just got greeted by a strong whiff of haze when i stepped outta the room)
we are now thinking of bringing Megan's cot into our room at night so we can just utilise one aircon.

okay I don't know why am I going on about the heavy consumption of aircon... haha.

Dear Lord, please bring down some rain... we need it badly *prays*

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