Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, March 01, 2010

Banging her chubby hands on the table... I type this :)

Since Megan learnt how to pull herself up to her cot rail, she's been doing it and refusing to sleep!!! Even when she's tired.. tsk tsk. Her favorite is bouncing on her knees and popping her head to see what everyone is doing :)

She refused to nap after her morning feed and was bouncing away and blowing raspberries - so cute lor! I had to carry her and lap her while I use the com.. She is probably bored and is now fast asleep.. hehe. Just put her back in her cot.... :)

At 7 months...

Tiny fingers found a gapping corner and peeling it out.. bit by bit.
*shake head*
But i noticed something else...
Megan has the 'pincer' grasp! - picks things with finger and thumb
An advanced skill for 8 month olds!

Click - Milestone Chart: 7 - 12 months

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