Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, March 08, 2010


SAT: The gals came to play!
Completely exhausting day cos Megan didn't wanna nap so I was trying to get chores done, grocery shopped, prepare dinner (burgers) while keeping an eye on her. Only 2 measly 30mins naps and I scurry to get as much done during that time. Good that YY came early so she entertained Megan while I made the burger patties and fry them up.

Silin and Jo bought KOI BUBBLE TEA!

Burgers + Koi bubble tea = Perfect dinner :)
They enjoyed the burgers so I can safely put BURGERS on the menu for guests! Marky likes it too and asked me for the recipe ;) Other stuff like Pongteh and Hokkien Mee are still not good enough for public consumption.

Twas too short a meet up.. Silin and Jo left at 9pm (they came at 7!) Sy, Jane and Yy stayed on and we chatted til later. I didnt spend much time with them cos had to tend to Megan and put her to bed. Must be her teething, she refuses to sleep the past week but slept at 8.30pm that night.. *phew* The meet up was simply too short... too short :(

I really appreciate them coming over because of Megan. Least I could do was prepare dinner for them. Our friends has been terrific. Understanding that we now have a little tot to look after and going out at night isn't too convenient, they are coming over to our humble abode to hang out with us.. buying dinner, playing monopoly, card game, watching tv.. just hanging out :) Chris + Elynne, Fu, Des, Marky and my gals. Hey guys, wanna tell all of you that we appreciate it, from the bottom of our hearts :)

Oh Silin bought a Tods! The D Bag! A gorgeous blue... oohhhh the smell of leather.........

Jeez... is it the Bag Season now??
Everyone is into bags lately!
a Tods, a Kate Spade, a Balenciaga wallet....
my sis just added a charm to her Tods and will soon be sporting it everywhere.
me? I've yet to find THE Bag.. maybe I never will.
but i've found THE Label - one that epitomes understated class, elegance and more importantly, it's not mainstream. Someone in each MRT cabin will NOT be sporting one.

Travel vs Bag
I pick Travel any time! ;)

SUN (Happy 7th!) : Just the 2 of us :)
We headed down to Tiong Bahru and caught....

It's brilliant!
Tim Burton and Johnny Depp did it again.
did I mention I absolutely adore Johnny Depp??
strange saying this but he has class.. which many do not.
this is a MUST WATCH!

I'm dying to watch 'Clash of the Titans' next!!!
wondering where can I get the classic film....

on a related note: Zack and I are really blessed to have his parents, who are always ever ready and delighted to babysit Megan. They love Megan and can't wait to get their hands on her :) We are thus able to enjoy couplehood once in a while. Which we think is really important as well... just the 2 of us :) Happy loving parents maketh happy children. Thanks Mum & Dad! You guys are terrific grandparents!

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