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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Busy as a bumble bee!

Browsed through my past posts and realised there are many things i didnt post. I really should limit posts on Megan to her blog.

What has Zack and Ju been up to of late?

Went to a wedding... 2 actually - Zack's colleagues.
One at Hotel Rendezvous (food is horrid), another at Grand Copthorne.
Food at Grand Copthorne is REALLY good!
The usual fare.. march-in, cake cutting, montage.. etc...
But weddings always put us in a romantic nostalgic mood :)
One of Zack's colleague remembered ours! "Your wedding is still the most romantic one!"
Awwww... :)
Nice to hear ours left an impact on our guests and they enjoyed themselves :)

Zack & Ju caught 2 movies too!
i was so excited to catch this! anything with greek mythology is my thing!
but i was disappointed. Some parts are promising but Camp Half-Blood was incredibly cheesy.. hahaha. Still.. i enjoyed it with my darling.. just didnt give me a buzz...


i LOVE LOVE LOVE this flick!!!
So much that i wanna get the DVD!!!
Awesome cast! heart-warming and sweet!
Funnily the only part i teared was when Julia Roberts (a military mum) rushed home to spend V Day with her son (whom she hardly sees). He was in bed when she came home, gathered him in her arms, held him tight and said: "You've grown so big already.."
Gosh.. I can relate to how she feels.. the pain of not watching your baby grow up. Someone you love more than life itself...
The rest of the stories... brilliant! Ashton Kucher is so cuteeeeee :P
WAY better than Love Actually.

Megan spent the day with Grands while Daddy and Mummy went to part tow :) My shock when Zack suggested town! I had the prawn noodles at Food Republic and i must say it was pretty goood!

Nice browsing the shops.. hand in hand.. laughing and teasing.. just like the old days :)
Strange how something so simple can be quite so romantic.. haha.

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