Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Friday, February 19, 2010

All in a day......

a friday afternoon.....

where everyone is napping...
big one, small one and black/white one. for me! :S

Today's menu: HAMBURGER!

Home-made patty... with special ingredients ;)
Zack asked me where I learnt to make them
he must be so impressed with his wife's culinary skills..
I actually learnt it in Home Econs.. when I was 14 yrs old
(well, not that many years ago)
and yes, I still remember what goes in there!
the basics... and added my touch to it *winks*
I must say my patty is pretty terrific! :P
Packed 2 burgers for Zack to bring to work
his were special.. had melted cheese!
wanted to add some caramelised onions but decided not to..
he'll be speaking to patients so he needs his breath fresh.. heh

Wow.. I'm getting pretty motivated in the kitchen
Been whipping out some pretty good stuff!
Cooked the remaining hokkien noodles with chicken I marinated overnight
and gosh.. third time's the charm!
I always have a problem with gauging saltiness..
it's either too salty or not enough.
(I like my food salty so I have to tone it down in my cooking)
And last night's chicken noodles was perfecto~ :)

See! Watching Travel & Living is beneficial to the soul!

But not to our pocket...
.....cos cooking for 2 is costly! :(
And Zack is not satisfied with a simple dish..
he'd want to add another 24 stuff in it! *shake head*
So now I dont tell him what i'm cooking..
"I'm cooking dinner, it's a surprise!"
This way... he wouldnt try tweaking my recipe or add to it!
Me smart right?? *winks*


Look how well she is bearing her weight on her legs *beams with pride*
She is a really good crawler!
She is crawling after Pappe now..hahaha!
i'm trying to do a vid of it..
And is already doing the advanced crawl called the 'cross-crawling' - moving one arm and the opposite leg together when she moves forward, rather than using an arm and a leg from the same side. Many babies start with the commando crawl, mostly using the arms. Average age for babies to do the cross-crawling is at 9-10 months. Megan mastered it at 6.5 months! :)

So now that Megan has mastered crawling...
She has learnt to pull herself up!
For the past week, she had started to do just that.
Sometimes I find her on her knees and hugging the giraffe (see background) on her exercise mat.. hahaha! So cute!
So Daddy bought her this breakfast tray which is the right height for her.. to pull herself up :)

Now see why I'm always so busy all day...
My eyes gotta be on Megan CONSTANTLY!
She is really moving fast..
Left her with Zack on the bed while i did the dishes.
He didn't know what a speedy gonzalas his daughter is and left her on the bed while he went to brush his teeth. Less than 7secs... she crawled off the bed! Thank goodness our bed is a platform bed so she didnt hurt herself.

Gosh... I can talk about Megan ALL DAY!
This afternoon, the 3 of us were lazing in bed. Zack and I were playing with Megan and she was grinning at us. It was such simple pure joy. Was thinking how precious it is that we are able to do this.. and everyday, i thank God for this :)

Night time is Ju-Time!
So last night... I let my fingers do some walking *winks*

Victoria's Secret - Donatella
It's on sale!
Bought it in black.
With Megan, wearing a white coat is a complete no-no!

Got this on clearance!! Almost 50% off!
When i saw this... i just HAVE to get it!
They took this off the website.. i purchased it just in time.. *phew*

Now I must make sure I stay a XS for life!
No more coats Ju.. No More!
(Coats are my weakness *sheepish*)

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