Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, September 04, 2008

i'm quite tired to blog...
so i shall leave you with a pic of my latest craving.

Maggi Goreng! (with mutton cubes)

my sweetheart picked me up from work these 2 days :)
(he's the sweetest! but my heart aches at the hefty ERP charges)
so tonight we went to Jalan Kayu for dinner.
Zack's craving for satay has been ebbed too.
he loves the satay at Jalan Kayu.
and my.. the teh tarik was good!
i finished mine in a jiffy and while Zack was engrossed telling me about his work.. i stealthily swapped our cups *giggles*
he didnt realised! (right under his nose somemore! hehehe) and wondered how did he finished his so quickly.. hahahahaha!

now i'm feeling bloated :(
too much milk tea......
serves me right for being greedy... :S

okie gtg now.
early to bed.
early to rise.
makes ju healthy and wise!

listening to: I Think God Can Explain

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