Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the weather is getting hot and humid.
Sept and it should be getting cool.
its all erratic now.
now i'm a tad worried.
i hope the weather there will be great in dec.
it has to be!

so Zack's station is having their audit today.
my poor sweetie only came home at 4am
making sure his station is up to standard.
and had to wake at 6.45am to go to work.
that OIC badge doesnt come easy.
with such little sleep, you're not gonna believe wat i heard this morning...
him singing in the bathroom!
yes that's how cheery Zack is!
he always is! always smiling, happy and singing..
(see how much joy i bring to his life)
i for one am not a morning person.
if i start yakking away animatedly at 7am (much lest sing),
something must be wrong.


Dear Lord, let Zack's station audit go smoothly and let them pass with flying colors. May they find favour in the eyes of the officer(s) and blind him from any mistakes that may arise. Give Zack strength for the day and keep him from harm's way as he go about his duties. Give me strength too for wat's ahead for me. Also keep the 2 gals at home safe and sound and away from any mischief.

in Jesus name i pray,

Crap.. did you read the rabbit sweets are recalled?!?!
laced with melamine!
i ate loads of those when i was young.. one of my fav.
damn those horrible unethical people!
babies.. children! for goodness sake!
how evil can people get?!!!!

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