Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, September 27, 2008

a long one....

so i got my first paycheck.
with some backpay from last month.. it came up to a tidy sum.
siphon away the necessary: bills goes to bills, savings goes to savings.
decided to give my darling a treat, anything he fancies: budget $100.
and he said he'd like a reel (tell me why am i not surprised *smile*)

guess what i found at the supermart today?!
i've been keeping an eye out for it but seems like there arent many supermarts carrying them these days.

Tribute to my dear Robin uncle... ......

my uncle (mum's brother) used to buy them whenever i visit gran's when i was little. He liked to hold 'parties' for us, cooking western food and buying us toys. Almost all of my toys were bought by him, i still have the little A&W reindeer he bought me (and i'm NOT letting the dogs have it).

Yes.. if you have noted the past tense.

He passed away.


i finally bought the 2 things i've been wanting to get for months!!!
not one but TWO B&Js!!!!!!

and STARDUST!!!!

i'm gonna have myself an indulgent sunday! :D

Zack is on standby for F1 this weekend.
jeez... that lucky guy is stationed at where the VVIPs are seated!
so he got the best view of the action.
i told him to stay far far away from the track...
it's dangerous!

so far he had called me twice already and i could hear the vroooming of the cars! so loud! Zack said he will take Alfie with him tomorrow to take some good shots. Ermm.... i dun remember agreeing to loan him Alfie. But he did buy it for me so i better not refuse him.. hehe.

Speaking of Alfie...
Sylvia sure made my day couple of days back!
she said she loves my SLR :)
and my photos are all nicely taken *beams*
but i forgot to tell her not all my shots were taken with my D80
some are with my cybershot.
as i always say: the cam is only as good as the photographer.. hahahha! Dun buff! :P

my dream... has always been to be a photojournalist.
traveling the world, immortalising the beauty God gave us.
i hope i have what it takes.
i wish i have the courage, the financial means to pursue my dream.
my darling said if he earns 10k a month, he'll support me. hahaha!
(he's so sweet :))
he already has by buying me Alfie :)
i wish i'm putting it to good use more often.

we were having a romantic stroll at ECP last night:
Z: you wanna leave me and travel the world?
J: no, when i'm pulling in the big bucks, you can quit yr job and we'll go travelling together! You can carry my tripod and all the equipment.. hehe.

What a perfect plan.... more like DREAM.

but we can always dream... it's free anyway :)

This week has been nice...
with the many events in our lives, i tot Zack and i will just have 1 day to ourselves. But we had 3!

Thurs: Combed Beach Rd to check out some fishing equipment shops. I think soon i will be very familiar with Beach Rd! It's quite funny how you'd never notice these shops around but they are quite littered around Spore. The fishing scene seems pretty vibrant here i'm surprised to report.

We had the famous Rochor Duck Rice. It's beside one fishing equipment shop and the aroma was too tantalizing to ignore.

I absolutely love the soup! It's like those bak kut teh soup. It comes with braised peanuts and kiam chay (preserved vegetables). The duck wasnt much to rave about though. Zack didnt care much for it. He thinks the one at Punggol Plaza and Jurong still wins it hands down.

This set for 2 costs $18!!!!

With this hefty pricetag, i think i'll stick with the one just next door.

Aight, that's enough blabbering on food.

I have to get ready to brace myself for the pre-monday blues. I feel it coming my way already.. *sigh*

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