Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

must be something in September...

We have a good number of globetrotters!

Dad & Mum: Japan (tonight - 20 Sept)
SY: Taiwan (25 Sept - dunno when)
Godma: Turkey (End Sept - Early Oct)

i wanna go too!!!! Not Taiwan though.. heh. Sy, just bring back a HUGE SACK of beef jerky for me :P The juicy ones, not dried ones ok? *muaks* :P

For abit i was contemplating joining Godma for her Turkey trip.. then i tot maybe i'd like to go with my laogong.. then i got a new job. Needless to say cant go for any holidays for the next 3 months. And of crse... IT'S SO BLARDEE EXPENSIVE! I can do it cheaper! Godma must be going for those tai-tai tours.

So tonight Dad and Mum flew off for their 10-day Japan holiday! Zack swing by to pick me up from work and send me home, we had a quick dinner and he went off to send his parents to the airport before going to work. They declined his offer and said they will take a bus!! *shake head* Of crse we couldnt let them do that! Wat's the use of a car if he couldnt even send his parents to the airport.. if he is able to do so. Could see how touched they were :)

Zack also supped a credit card for his dad in case of emergencies.. AND... sponsored half of their trip! I'm proud of him.. i really am :) And i'm particularly pleased that he consulted me first, "Is it okay with you?" :) I will never say No but i'm happy that he respects me as his wife enough to ask me, especially when i'm not even paying for it :)

People always say when you are picking a husband, look at how he treats his parents first. I'm comforted at what i'm seeing. BUT... he must also dote on his wife. That's of utmost importance! BUT... i dun think i have to worry in that aspect. SO FAR so good.. *grins*

I know his parents are proud of him. Of what their son has grown into. Filial, responsible and loving. I told Zack he will be richly blessed by God for his filial piety. Greatly Richly Blessed :) (hey! he is already richly blessed! With a wifey who loves him dearly! Dun buff.. its rude.)

Maybe it is the loss of my mum.. that i realise the importance of appreciating our parents while they are still alive. Live not in regrets. Whenever i hear of Sy bringing her mum/dad to Macau, Hong Kong, now Taiwan (that's another filial bugger).. i wish so badly i can do the same for my mum. The things i would give her....

Ok enough. I'm not going down that tangent..again.


wishing i can surf in bed but Zack brought the laptop to work *pout* i really am getting lazy.. Got some major research to do! *winks*

SOMETHING is in the works... shhhhhh

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