Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, September 13, 2008

first time fishing!

and Zack caught 2 big snappers!!!

early morning 6.30am, Zack and Andrew went fishing at Pasir Ris farmway.
while i catch up on my beauty sleep :)

no need to guess what's for dinner tonight.. haha.
we brought 1 over for Devi to cook for their dinner.
and me shall don my apron tonight!

Zack just finished de-scaling the fish and i helped clean out the guts.
quite a stomach-turning chore :S
sadly its something i soon have to get used to doing!
cos looks like my zacky boy has a newfound hobby!!!
he said prawning is no kick now.. hahaha.

so i reckon we'll be having fresh fishes for dinner for a while :P

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