Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, September 10, 2007

the sickly sweet suffocating scent of flowers.
the many many rites and a heavy heart..
..when someone i love went thru them.
the peanuts, the packet drinks and the red strings.
the tears, the loss, the resignation.
the death of yet another loved one.

farewell kgong.. may you rest in peace.

spent friday night at Godma's.
to keep her company cos the cremation was the next morning.
its not the conveniance of not having to travel down early next morning
but being there for Godma when she needs us the most.
the comforting presence of close friends..

Aunty Adeline, Aunty Daisy (too shy to pop her head out of the covers) and my sis. With groggy eyes, we chat and had many laughs. Aunt Ad, Daisy and Godma has been friends since pri/secondary school (together with my mum). I remember when i was little, mummy used to bring me with her for their ladies gathering at Aunty Ad's. I love listening to them chat in the room. If only mummy's still around.. Godma and her are best friends.

Then.... Godma got really enthused about showing us how flexible she is now after months of yoga.. Aunty Daisy calls her a showoff.. hahhaha.

she can almost do a split!
dammit, i can't even do that!

yes, thats my 56 year old Godma!

the morning after was tough.
the last morning always is.
brought back memories.

i like this shot taken by my darling
you dun wanna know where this was taken.
my love has a morbid sense of humour.
well, i'm no better.. haha.

we got home and caught 2 hours of sleep in the afternoon before going off to SGH. Irene had an op and we paid her visit. She's recovering well and looks even better than me with her rosy cheeks. Chris and Andy met us there too.

The 4 of us then head off to Marina Square to catch: Evan Almighty. Terrific and a must-see. Completely hilarious! I wanna get a squirrel!!!!

It was shisha @ Arab Street then off to Andy's to play Wii!
We played tennis and i must say, of all my partners, Chris was the best! He was all patient and nice when we lost.. hahaha. Well, whoever teamed with me lost. I suck at games lah.. but hey, you cant be good at EVERYTHING right? *wink*

we tried Boxing too.....

just looking at their movements is entertainment on its own.. hahhahhaa! (vid clip coming up!)

we got home at 3am.. and totally KO.
i didnt stir til 3.30pm!
went to PP to do some grocery shopping. Came home and zack cooked me noodles :). CP shrimp dumplings + Myojo Shrimp flavoured noodles = Magnifique!

Steamboat/Ben & Jerrys @Dempsey/Prata @Thomson: Chris, Jasmine, Andy, Leanna, Rachel
Steamboat was disappointing, i only liked the beef balls and prawns :: Ben&Jerrys rawks as usual :: Kambing soup was way too spicy.

Ben & Jerrys @Dempsey

i had his number last night...
he's sweet.. :)

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