Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, September 02, 2007

....on a sunday evening

just done with Confessions of a Shopaholic.
Cant believe i finished it in 1 night and half a day!
but it was good!
i'm so gonna get Shopaholic Takes Manhattan.

muscles aching all over:
put on some music and did some pumpings
and those pilates classes helped tons.
despite my moaning and groanings,
i'm enjoying the aches!
cos it reminds me that i'm exercising! and NOT sitting on my ass getting fat and flabby.. hah
i may be one of those women who cut their hair short after getting married but hey, i'm definitely not one of those women who start stuffing themselves with ben&jerrys (well actually i do.. their strawberry chessecake rawks!!) and get fat after they got a ring on their finger!
zack is looking fit now (silver for IPPT baby!!) and no way i'm getting flabs! and also.. i'm working out for our honeymoon!
2 solid weeks.. plenty of walking.
of crse i have to be physically prepared for it.

speaking of which, i havent done anything for our honeymoon this weekend!
6 weeks 4 days to go!
i'm mostly done with Paris.
moving on to Roma now!
The Eternal City.......!
plenty to read up, not just the places to visit but the history of them. Only do we know their history can we appreciate them aint that right. When you breathe in the culture and understand why things are the way they are now. That's how you enjoy an enriching trip. When history comes alive! Like how the Hunchback of Notre Dame came about? (it's not just a Disney cartoon mind u.) Yeah you may laugh and think i'm nuts but i'm not flying thousands of miles just to look at a church and say "Yeah that's lovely" and move on to the next tourist location. Well, having said that.. that's if i can even remember all that i've read when i get there.. hahaha.

dont remind me... it's monday tomorrow. *sigh*
i dunno how am i gonna sleep tonight since i slept at 5am this morning
rained this afternoon.. perfect for snuggles :D

Alrighty.. gotta ciao~
we're going for din then to Fu's for some chillin'!


Anonymous said...

I've been taking lotsa Ben & Jerry's the last few months... and I'm having fatter fingers! *pouts* It's ok... hopefully I've walked some fats off in Hong Kong. Heh.


ju said...

u're not fat lah.. in fact, tot u lost abit after your bout of work stress?

Anonymous said...

I lost... then gained it back. Haha... IT'S SOOOO GOOOOD TO BE BACK!!