Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, September 30, 2007

4.30pm and my day just started.
Zack and i had din with Chris at J8 last night
then spent our night at Chris's watching soccer
came home and caught a DVD.. then more TV
and... hmmm... what else did i do?
oh.. i packed my luggage abit.
yeah.. 2 weeks in advance *LOL*
coming from a gal who only finished packing her bag 2 hours before leaving for her trips.
we only hit the sack when the sky outside was lightening.
it's nice all cuddled up, dozing off while watching dawn breaks.
had half the mind to order Mac bfast but i was too concussed.

hot and humid this weekend with no raindrops in sight.
why cant it downpour....

Zack's helping me bid for this item on ebay!
i'm leaving it to him cos he's the expert.
he refused to let me do the 'Buy It Now' option :(
he says bidding is part of the thrill *grimace*
thrill or no thrill... i'd just go crazy if someone snatched it right before my eyes!
but my love here is the expert.. he's been trading on ebay since eons ago
so i'll listen to him... as always.
he says he'd never once gotten outbidded on something he sets his sight on (or so he says.. haha)
so..... i'm leaving it in your hands sweetheart.. You MUST get that for me!

alrighty.. zacky's up!
gonna go fill our stomachs
have a good sunday evening
and.. away with monday blues!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Got a Lojel luggage.. it's a Japanese brand. Hardcase, lightweight and oh so chio!

Bought it at Mustafa and paid $156 for it. Guess how much a shop at Funan is retailing it for? $230+!

Just looking at it... i wonder how am i going to navigate it on cobblestones.. and bridges in Venice. I meant to travel light.. just hope this aint too big.

Lojel - Web Series
A spinner - 360 degree

i love the interior.. best i've seen of all the luggages. Many many compartments... i like.

my heart has started to ache just thinking of the bumps and scratches it will receive. I'm thinking of bubble-wrapping it before check-in. I'm serious. Don't laugh.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

i screwed the fashion police.....

and wore my knee-high boots with a skirt!
(yes, in Singapore)

Well, it was downpouring this morning.. thunder and all. So what better time to don my lovely boots than this? Teamed it with a slightly-below-knee (knee-length or shorter will be perfect!) dark denium skirt with frayed hem and my soft and warm silk/cashmere turtleneck.

No wet pants hem, no cold clammy feet.. i arrived in the office this morning warm and dry. Who cares if people think i'm nuts to wear leather boots in singapore.

Oh well.....

Saw this totally gorgeous item and i so like it. But i'm too pissed to get it now. Or maybe i just will! Sometimes i wonder... Generousity.. Is it even worth it? I'm not even expecting a reciprocation. And yet... Why do i shortchange myself just so someone else will be happy. And for what?

Maybe i'm just plain stupid.

Somehow the things i am able to confide.. are dwindling. It's hurtful when the things i say are thrown back at me. Time and again. Giving someone that much ammunition is just not a good idea. Or maybe... i just leave myself open and vulnerable.. to the wrong person.

So many maybes... no concrete answer.

*pissed and upset*
stay away.

Monday, September 24, 2007

a call to Dublin............

for nothing!

and doing it via their hotline is almost double the cost.. holy crap!
i dropped the phone like a hot potato
and got instructions to do it online
i must be blind.

on a happier note:
We have extended our stay in Paris!!!!!!!
4 awesome bowsome cowsome days! *beams*

last leg of our honeymoon.... relaxing in the City of Love.. how divine~
3 weeks 3 days... its drawing closer.. closer.. and closer..


My Corduroy Blazer had been shipped... and should arrive anytime from now!

was moaning to Fu about my clothing expenditure.
and he said: "...just think about how good you'll look over there."
whoa..... and whoa!
you'll never think this comes from a guy
finally... a guy who understands!
gals... GRAB HIM!
i'm serious.

alrighty.. i'm hitting the sack now.
it's been an incredibly tiring weekend
- will blog about it soon.
i'm totally dead beat.
and having the sniffles.

Friday, September 21, 2007

It's finally friday.. morning and i'm enjoying a hot cup of milo and munching meiji crackers. Busy distracting week for us both. Zack had been busy with audit at work while i've been busy with.. well, various stuff. Got distracted for abit and cant help feeling a tinge of disappointment at the end of it. It makes me wonder.... really am surprised by my reaction.

So in less than 4 weeks, we'll be on our honeymoon! So many many things to do... We are tweaking our itinerary abit *grins*

Met SY during lunch ydae and we went to get my boots. Ecco boots are by far the most comfortable shoes i've ever worn.. no kidding! I made her try on a pair and even she agreed that its really comfy. For once, i met a brand where style meets comfort. And she is so sweet... got me a black pepper chicken pastry from Deli *grins* :)

'm feeling kinda down.
didnt think i'd feel this way.
just wanna cuddle with my love.
hopefully we can do something this weekend.

we've been talking..... *grins*
somehow i feel we are addicted to excitement.
something is always happening in our lives.
we need to slow down.....

Monday, September 17, 2007

feeling... kinda tired now.
ploughed through the rooms.. and storeroom searching for zack's certs.
i really do need some sleep but my brain is wide awake.
it's been running overdrive since the weekend..
this weekend?
i'd been living and breathing.... Italia~
With the exception of the afternoons when zack and i went to Peninsula and Marina Square in search of my walking boots..
i've been like a gal possessed.. sitting infront of the com..
reading and researching on our Italy trip (til 4am!)
corresponding with the kind helpful souls on forums.
5 weeks seem like a rather long time away.
4 weeks really does look so much closer!

Best Buy!: Scarf from Accessorize
:: 70% off
:: $10!
:: goes well with all my outfits - grey, brown, white, pink

Best News!!
Paris Hotel confirmed that they'll reserve the Jacuzzi room for us!! - the only one in their hotel. I told them we're on our honeymoon.. haha.

Best Hubby!!!
Zack is a changed man! so patient and accomodating.. and just plain sweet :)

I was trying to hide my latest bank statement from him but somehow he saw my VS order on the com. I was holding my breath wanting for his tirade: "What?! You spent so much on VS?!!"

Imagine my astonishment when he said not a word and listened patiently while i expound excitedly on the items i ordered (too late to hide by then so use different strategy). Whoa.......

Even when he's working that night, he took me from Peninsula all the way to Marina Square just so i could 'take a look' at my boots (which might not even be there in the first place!).

and when we went shopping at Zara.. he even gave positive comments on the clothes i tried on. Well, he usually would say its not nice just so i wouldnt buy them. For reasons that escape me, he always have the idea that i have too much clothes. He uses the words "too much" (not too many) = cannot count. That's so not true! *indignant*

BUT... he's a changed man now! and the sweetest thing ever :)

He definitely is wearing marriage really well! Must be my good influence.

alrighty, hitting the sack now.
nite folks~
i miss my laogong..

Thursday, September 13, 2007

guess what just arrived???

My Victoria's Secret shipment!

wait.... where's my Tab Coat?!!!

my Colin Stuart F**k Me Boots - in kidsuede
dress boots for the nights :D
sooooo chio!!!!
and i got it at 20% off!

it has satin lining.
i'm so glad i didnt get those boots from Far East.
they cost the same but there is a vast disparity in quality.

My buys turned out great!
the silk/cashmere turtleneck is soft and warm :)
the lipstick red henly sweater fits me like a glove
next up: Corduroy Blazer and Solid Tab Coat

i dragged out the little pieces i had been amassing.. layers tees, legging, and my Gorgeous Zara Coat! Start coordinating outfits and fashion parade.. haha. Even Zack went: "whoa... thats nice!" when he saw my Zara coat. Of crse.. i got excellent taste! *smirk*

gosh, my zara coat looks totally stupendous with my boots!
i'm on my way to travelling in style!

let me tell you about my Zara Coat *excited*
nevermind.. in another post.
dun mind me.. i love it sooo muchie!
i cant stop talking about it!

before u go.. tsk tsk... spend money like water.
mind you, i've been religiously building up my wardrobe fund for months. You'll be surprised a hundred here and there goes a long way. Now is harvest time! And huge part of that harvest goes to Zack. See how much i love u!

we're into the 4th week now! *ready steady bom pee pee*


When i received my bank statement, i was surprised to see that Victoria's Secret had already deducted payment but my order has not been shipped! Which wasnt the norm. So i sent them an email asking for an explanation.

This is their reply:

"We apologize for the delay in shipping your merchandise. We are still in the process of moving into our new state of the art Distribution Center. We appreciate your patience during this exciting transition.

We have credited back you shipping and handling charges back on your order as a courtesy.

A credit in the amount of $38.60 was issued to your MasterCard account on September 11, 2007. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing and 1 to 2 billing cycles for the credit to appear on your monthly statements."

Oh my gosh!!

Zack and i had been frugally saving up for our trip.. counting our pennies. September is a tight month for us, especially zack and he was a little worried but i told him not to worry cos God will provide. HE always does. In ways we dont expect. HE has been providing for us all this while.. our house, our reno, our wedding dinner, our honeymoon. We have achieved so much.. without help from anyone.. but we'll never be able to have all these without God's help.

and this is God's way of telling us.. HE loves us *tears*
you just need faith :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

my VS order has been shipped! *skips*

and we're luggage shopping now!
i got my eye on 1 *grins*

and zack agreed to go Cinque Terre!!! wooohoooooo! *dance*
so now we'll be spending 1 day along the coastline
travelling to 5 villages.. they are simply divine.

i quote:
"Arriving at Riomaggiore, the first of the Cinque Terre.. walk along the the famous “Lovers Walk” trail that affords magnificent views of the coastline.."

"At Manarola, tour the most photogenic of the five villages. Explore a myriad of narrow alleys and pretty pastel squares that epitomize the man-made beauty of the Cinque Terre." (see left pic)

"Your journey from Manarola to Vernazza will be by boat..."

"The town of Vernazza faces onto the water with its large open harbour, castle and church it conjures up all the magic of the Cinque Terre. Enjoy a relaxing lunch at one of the open-air resturants that line the waterfront, or enjoy a stroll through the back-streets of the town above the harbor to enjoy splendid views along the coast."

5 weeks 1 day to this!

So we finally got our wedding video
once zack came back with the disc,
we huddled on the sofa with great anticipation.
oh my...
awfully sweet, funny and touching.
even til now, we have friends telling us how romantic and touching our wedding was.... :)

and guess what the video captured that i missed?!!

i only spotted it the 2nd time we viewed the clip, yeah twice!
it was towards the end of his seranade and he hugged me.
when we came apart, i wiped my tears
and missed that swift movement of his hand!

oh my gosh........

if you know zack, you'd know he is the cool macho kind. No tears.. zilch. Nado.

And he actually teared!

looking at the wedding video... i see something between us that i've never seen before. Is this what people see?

recalled what Silin and Jane said when they came for our house-warming.. that our face lights up when we see each other and we look so happy together.. (Really??)

what i see... in him and i... is so palpable. It took my breath away and left me in awe. And once again, I thank God for giving us something so special.

my ex once told me... "you'll never find someone who loves you more than i do.."
he was wrong.
i did.
or he found me :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

the sickly sweet suffocating scent of flowers.
the many many rites and a heavy heart..
..when someone i love went thru them.
the peanuts, the packet drinks and the red strings.
the tears, the loss, the resignation.
the death of yet another loved one.

farewell kgong.. may you rest in peace.

spent friday night at Godma's.
to keep her company cos the cremation was the next morning.
its not the conveniance of not having to travel down early next morning
but being there for Godma when she needs us the most.
the comforting presence of close friends..

Aunty Adeline, Aunty Daisy (too shy to pop her head out of the covers) and my sis. With groggy eyes, we chat and had many laughs. Aunt Ad, Daisy and Godma has been friends since pri/secondary school (together with my mum). I remember when i was little, mummy used to bring me with her for their ladies gathering at Aunty Ad's. I love listening to them chat in the room. If only mummy's still around.. Godma and her are best friends.

Then.... Godma got really enthused about showing us how flexible she is now after months of yoga.. Aunty Daisy calls her a showoff.. hahhaha.

she can almost do a split!
dammit, i can't even do that!

yes, thats my 56 year old Godma!

the morning after was tough.
the last morning always is.
brought back memories.

i like this shot taken by my darling
you dun wanna know where this was taken.
my love has a morbid sense of humour.
well, i'm no better.. haha.

we got home and caught 2 hours of sleep in the afternoon before going off to SGH. Irene had an op and we paid her visit. She's recovering well and looks even better than me with her rosy cheeks. Chris and Andy met us there too.

The 4 of us then head off to Marina Square to catch: Evan Almighty. Terrific and a must-see. Completely hilarious! I wanna get a squirrel!!!!

It was shisha @ Arab Street then off to Andy's to play Wii!
We played tennis and i must say, of all my partners, Chris was the best! He was all patient and nice when we lost.. hahaha. Well, whoever teamed with me lost. I suck at games lah.. but hey, you cant be good at EVERYTHING right? *wink*

we tried Boxing too.....

just looking at their movements is entertainment on its own.. hahhahhaa! (vid clip coming up!)

we got home at 3am.. and totally KO.
i didnt stir til 3.30pm!
went to PP to do some grocery shopping. Came home and zack cooked me noodles :). CP shrimp dumplings + Myojo Shrimp flavoured noodles = Magnifique!

Steamboat/Ben & Jerrys @Dempsey/Prata @Thomson: Chris, Jasmine, Andy, Leanna, Rachel
Steamboat was disappointing, i only liked the beef balls and prawns :: Ben&Jerrys rawks as usual :: Kambing soup was way too spicy.

Ben & Jerrys @Dempsey

i had his number last night...
he's sweet.. :)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

me: "*sigh* i was supposed to go for a run last night... but i ended up shopping the night away and didnt get back til almost 10pm. I was dead beat by then."

my boss: "it's ok lah.. shopping also exercise.. your legs. And when you buy things, you're happy so it's good for your heart too."

i love my boss.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

....on a sunday evening

just done with Confessions of a Shopaholic.
Cant believe i finished it in 1 night and half a day!
but it was good!
i'm so gonna get Shopaholic Takes Manhattan.

muscles aching all over:
put on some music and did some pumpings
and those pilates classes helped tons.
despite my moaning and groanings,
i'm enjoying the aches!
cos it reminds me that i'm exercising! and NOT sitting on my ass getting fat and flabby.. hah
i may be one of those women who cut their hair short after getting married but hey, i'm definitely not one of those women who start stuffing themselves with ben&jerrys (well actually i do.. their strawberry chessecake rawks!!) and get fat after they got a ring on their finger!
zack is looking fit now (silver for IPPT baby!!) and no way i'm getting flabs! and also.. i'm working out for our honeymoon!
2 solid weeks.. plenty of walking.
of crse i have to be physically prepared for it.

speaking of which, i havent done anything for our honeymoon this weekend!
6 weeks 4 days to go!
i'm mostly done with Paris.
moving on to Roma now!
The Eternal City.......!
plenty to read up, not just the places to visit but the history of them. Only do we know their history can we appreciate them aint that right. When you breathe in the culture and understand why things are the way they are now. That's how you enjoy an enriching trip. When history comes alive! Like how the Hunchback of Notre Dame came about? (it's not just a Disney cartoon mind u.) Yeah you may laugh and think i'm nuts but i'm not flying thousands of miles just to look at a church and say "Yeah that's lovely" and move on to the next tourist location. Well, having said that.. that's if i can even remember all that i've read when i get there.. hahaha.

dont remind me... it's monday tomorrow. *sigh*
i dunno how am i gonna sleep tonight since i slept at 5am this morning
rained this afternoon.. perfect for snuggles :D

Alrighty.. gotta ciao~
we're going for din then to Fu's for some chillin'!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

fly me to Hong Kong....

SY would be met up with Jo and YY in Hong Kong by now.
if things went as planned..
i'd be with them now.. stuffing our faces with portugese egg tarts!
had this crazy notion last night.
to just buy a ticket online and fly off to Hong Kong 6hours later.
i really would have done that!
imagine how cool is that!!
if not for the dough.. (or lack of)
i was sitting infront of the com having this tussle inside
cos it's just so doable!
so i had to turn off the com to restrain myself
cos i wouldnt put it pass myself to do something this crazy
what can i say...
Spontaneity is my middle name
Impulsive is my first!

yeah.. and zack will kill me when i get home 4 days later.. hahhaha
nah.. he wouldnt cos he is such a cool hubby! :D