Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So the most amazingly shocking thing happened to me yesterday.

Ant gave me a treat at SAGE!
ok i know i blogged about it ydae but it didnt register in my skull prior to dinner. I heard of Sage but didnt realise it's quite costly!

Well, i'm thoroughly shocked cos Ant is not exactly known for his generousity.. hehe. But i'm touched.. immensely so :) He was grumbling away how expensive it is (he picked the place mind u!) and that he is not even having sex after.. ahahaha!
Once again, my little girl tickled her tastebuds with FRENCH Cuisine! What a lucky girl!

Some mini appetisier they serve together with bread.. like amuse bouche.
It's a tomato puree concoction. A tad too sour for my liking..
But i absolutely LOVE the bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar - to die for! We whacked 3 baskets of bread.. haha! Ant conveniantly used me as an excuse.. "She is pregnant so eats alot." Very clever ah...

My Soup...

Seafood Bouillabaisse
Traditional seafood bouillabaisse with monk fish, tiger prawns and shellfish, saffron and garlic rouille on crouton

It's nice but i prefer the clearer version i had in Venice. Venetian fish soup is the ult! Let me try finding the recipe and get Ant to cook it for me.. haha! I actually came across one but the ingredients needed proved too daunting and tedious for me.

My Main...

Duck Confit
Duck leg confit on a Savoy cabbage parcel stuffed with a fricassee of field mushroom, and foie gras, potato puree and Pommery mustard jus

It is SERIOUSLY GOOD! The duck is so tender (airflown from France so the skin is thicker), and i love the mustard jus! I was happily enjoying my duck until Ant took it upon himself to inform me that the duck was cooked with fats.. lotsa it... thanks ah :S

Ant's Pork Cheek and Loin...

This new dish is not on the menu yet and cooked specially for him (so imagine how big his head was!). I passed on this cos i promised Zack i wouldnt eat pork. Despite Ant's many evil urges on how i can have that and not tell Zack. See? I kept my word and remain honest to my hubby! Anyway.. portion was tiny and i'm happy with my duck confit! :P

After dinner we popped into the kitchen to say hi to the chefs. Ant's friend Ali is one of the chefs so we got 10% off! The kitchen certainly looked cosy and fun but really crowded with 7-8 chefs in that small confined space. I'm quite amazed the chefs were all pretty young!

I treated Ant for dessert at some fancy chocolate place. Nothing interesting to blog about.. dessert was so-so. We should have gone to Bakerzinn and have that orgasmic chocolate fondue!

Crap.. i'm getting really hungry doing up this post... and might be having some serious chocolate craving :S

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