Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Saturday, January 31, 2009

"is this the number to call to be a Godfather?"

i got it good from Ben! :S He saw my msn nick and realised i'm preg! I tot he already knew during our msgings while i was in Maldives.. he guessed it but was waiting for me to confirm it :( (btw, every sms to and fro Maldives is $0.72!) BUT.. i promised him he'd be the first to know whether our little one will be peeing standing up or sitting down :P the FIRST! i'll call him the minute we step outta our ob's office.. hehe.

gosh.. i'm so touched.. especially the Godfather part :) It's just different when your friend offers :) Ben is gonna be an awesome Godfather and lovely Val a wonderful Godma. They will guide beanie well spiritually :) Beanie is really fortunate, before he is born, he already has 3 Godfathers and 1 Godma all lined up! hahahha. And oh yes, some things just never change.. Ben knows i'd want a boy! oh gosh.. everyone was surprised when they heard i'd like a boy. But my dear boy totally gets it. If i would have a twin brother, Ben will definitely be him. We've established from young that we're too alike! Only thing is i dun grumble as much as him! wonder how Val can stand him... hah! I'm still waiting for the day he propose to her. Told him he'd better give her a beautiful one.. i'll help him with the diamond ring!

ok i gotta go hunt up some food for beanie.
be back soon for more updates on our little one!

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