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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

.......and then i see white

so i've been doing pretty alright where morning sickness is concerned. I had 3-4 days of GREAT days, not much queasiness, bloatedness etc. Happy that all will be in the clear soon. Then it hit back on Sat night and there went my nice fuji apple down the drain. Tsk tsk.

Yesterday was just like any other monday mornings. Bluey.. and sleepy. Abit of activity down in my uterus.. seemed like beanie was doing some stretching in there. Changed to the EW line and gosh.. started to feel terrible. All packed like sardines, shoulder to shoulder. And i felt it coming.. cant breathe, crampy, nauseous... then crap.. came the clamminess and cold sweat, next up was that buzz in the ear and then the white curtain came down. So did i. Thankfully the people around held me up so i managed to maintain my dignity, what shards of it. My stop was next and i got out and thank you Lord, there was a bench just outside. Felt better after some deep breathing.

Oh boy... i wouldnt want a repeat session. That feeling was terrible. The helplessness, the vulnerability. Not to mention the headaches that came and went all of yesterday.


But it's all part and parcel of pregnancy!
Those weekly broadcasts are so accurate! Week 12 reported that dizziness will be in the mix soon.
"Progesterone again, which causes your blood vessels to relax and widen around 12 weeks pregnant, increasing the flow of blood to your baby (again, good for baby), but slowing the return of blood to you (as always, not so good for mom). Less blood flow to you means lower blood pressure and reduced blood flow to your brain. All of these can contribute to that light-headed, dizzy feeling."

Then again, it's quite exciting watching what you read come to pass!
and anyway, that black-out was for a good cause. Beanie is taking in more oxygen so that few minutes of discomfort is tolerable.

Zack laughed at me and said "be careful what you wish for.." *pout*
cos i was telling him that my symptoms were going away and i didnt feel pregnant!
haha... yeah yeah..... now i'm getting them back big time.

But my darling came to pick me up from work yesterday!
and he's coming again today :)

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