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Thursday, January 01, 2009

A Happy Hearty 2009!

I noticed with a jolt that i had only posted 11 posts in Dec! my my... probably a first in my blogging history. I've always enjoy blogging.. its therapeutic and allows me to jot down all things happy which are plentiful! Not to say Dec was a lousy month, on a contrary, it was one of the best months ever but i just hadnt been feeling up to doing much - blame it on the hormones. I cant believe i didnt even do a post on our Christmas! I had an awesome heartwarming time.. even got a vid.. but somehow the days just sped by and now it's New Years Day.

So i'll do a quick one now.. only got 30mins before i plop down infront of the telly to catch my 'Little Nonya'. Sy couldnt believe it when i told her i'm hooked to the show. Her reaction was hilarious.. hahaha!

Gosh.. the dogs peed in the toilet and i can even smell it from the room *faints* Zack had already sprayed it away but the scent still lingers. I so wanna scrub it away with cif but i cant.. *sigh* I've been mandated not to squat or do anything strenuous. I didnt even have to hang the laundry out, Zack said he'll do it :D

So i havent been up to much of late, just seriously pampered by my loved ones *beams* (i LOVE being a preggo!!!) Andrew and Rachel invited us over for dinner last night.. and Andrew cooked specially for me! He boiled herbal chicken soup (complete with wolfberries, dates and ginseng), steamed cod fish and beef shabu shabu. Dinner was excellent! My BIL really can cook! :P Zack went off to work and i bummed at their place a little longer and watched 'Little Nonya' with my sis. And they sent me home after :)

Godma just told me that she had already gotten me a malay lady to do the massage and wrap after delivery! Yeah, i still have another 6.5 months to go. The wrap helps to re-align and support the womb and it helps to get me back in shape. And Zenia (my colleague) zapped a copy of a book on confinement for me.. on what to do and the recipes of confinement food :)

Ant called me this afternoon and i announced my good news. Gosh he was so excited.. he was literally yelling away.. hahahha..! He said he and Ben will come visit me and he'll cook for me! I told him to start practicing on confinement food so he can cook me my confinement food *giggles* And Ben guessed it! He msged me when i was at Maldives, right after i caught a 5kg snapper! and i told him i got something to tell him when i'm back and he was like.."am i going to be an uncle?" awwww...... :)

Even Marky asks after me everytime he msgs me.. *touched* Guys are not always bothered by pregnancy stuff so yeah, i'm really touched :)

I'm so blessed... *tears*
I have so many people who loves me.. who cares :)
Thank you Lord!

My start to the new year was a nice quiet one at home with little beanie. Zack was working but called me at 11.59am and we celebrated over the phone. I was in fact almost dozing off while watching Pirates of the Carribean. Next came the fireworks! I could see the fireworks from Msia and some from the celebration at Punggol. I'm no longer up to a loud rowdy celebration, perhaps age is catching up on me.

2008 was a very great year for me.. for Zack, for our marriage, our relationship with each other. In that aspect, i will consider 2008 to be our best year ever. And with God watching over us, 2009 will be even brighter!


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