Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 02, 2008

erm.. erm....

....dun hate us.
this is abit crazy.. we've not even gone for the next one, the 11th one! haha.. :P

our 1st attempt at Drunken Prawns.

hmmm... not too bad.. i like it.
but Zack prefers it with sambal.
and he spoilt my ABC soup!!!
oh my lovely soup!
added chilli slices to it when my back was turned!

but i'm incredibly big-hearted
so i shall forgive him.
also on the account that he cooks kick-ass fishes.

i got 2 horribly huge mozzie bites on my legs :S
they are all swollen and hard.
mopiko apparently doesnt help.
i've been getting so many bites lately.
at the prawning place and fishing ponds :(
the mozzies there are fierce!
Zack better appreciate what i go thru for him!!
going fishing with him for 5 hours
enduring the horrible mozzies...
just sitting there and accompany him..
hai.. i realised i'm actually quite a patient person..
so this is what Love is all about.

full and sleepy now.
shall head off to bed soon.
gotta go wake my love from his nap.
he should be studying!

sweetdreams everyone~

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