Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 02, 2008

*croons*: "will you need a blue sky holiday... the point is that they laughed at what you say..."

the festive season is upon us! CHRISTMAS IS COMING!
cos the wind is coming in from the front of our house.
i'm feeling the wind blowing right in my face just as i'm typing this.

tis been a sun-up-to-sun-down weekend.
i'm so tired from all the weeks' activities.
but Sunday is rest day and while my sweetheart is out fishing,
i'm having some precious me-time :)

looking back at yesterday with a smile: it was God+family+friends Day.

Zack and i woke up early for Church, despite a very late friday night.
i've always loved the notion of singing praises, listening to sermons with my hubby. Then discussing it after. Getting our spiritual food together as a couple is essential. It has always been my secret wish when i was with an ex-bf who isnt a christian. I broke my heart and ended that r/s for various reasons, that being a major deciding factor and prayed for a christian r/s. The rest is history *beams* You give up the good for God and HE will give you the best :) Zack used to be a worship leader in church and i asked him to step up to it again.. cos then we dun have to sing hymns! hehe. He should put his talents to good use.. to serve God *nods* :)

Lunch and CCK Cemetery
Mingle abit after service, Pik Yee is lovely as always. Went off to Jurong Pt with Dad, Mum and Adrian for lunch. Then on to Choa Chu Kang cemetery to visit Zack's grandparents. They had led long lives.. Grandpa Robert died at 73, and Grandma died at 75 yrs old 6 yrs later. Zack has very fond memories and is very close to his grandpa. He enjoys telling me how all the cousins used to play at Grandpa's house at Jalan Kayu and 6th Ave. Damn, they had a house at 6th Ave!!! His grandpa used to take him to eat those indian/malay food.. now i know why Zack enjoys his 'unhealthy' food so much.. his parents are very healthy eaters.. haha.

We went to see my mum's grave as well. Mum Elsie said mummy looks very cheerful. Yes she is. She is a really remarkable woman *smile*.

I take comfort in what Dad Lincoln said. They are all at rest and when the Lord comes, we will all rise up and meet HIM in Heaven. The dead first then the living. I take comfort in that.

crap.. it's gonna rain.
and my laundry will be done in 40mins.. *sigh*
i hope Zack brought his poncho!

Dinner with Godma, Rachel and Andrew
With the heat and the lack of sleep, we both KOed right after we got home. Napped for an hr or so then got up to head out for dinner with my family! It's Godma's bday today! and we had dinner with her last night at Tao Kee. She was telling us about her recent trip to Turkey and Dubai and her fabulous time there. Stayed at a $3500/night villa in Dubai... of crse she enjoyed herself! Like a Queen she said! hahahah! Make me salivate only. The cheapest cateogory room is $500 - 600 which i tot was quite okay, considering the place. (now i'm scaring myself cos im finding $600/night room alright! I've paid more for a room! :S) Maybe in 10yrs time.. haha. We got other places to explore first. Dinner was awesome.. not just the food but company. Too short so we gotta do one again soon!

Late night with Fu and Mark: and a 3.5 hr prawning session!
After Tao Kee we hanged out at Fu's. He stays at Bullion Park nearby and we loitered the surrounding before heading up. Jeez it's really nice for an 'old' condo. Landscaping is nice and it has all the facilities: huge swimming pool, tennis/squash courts, gym, basketball court (where the guys used to hang out during their growing up years), etc. I spent some time on the benchpress.. hehe. Gosh.. Fu is incredibly neat for a guy! He puts me to shame! He and Sy can shake hands, both are cleanliness freaks.. hahaha!

Mark came down from Arab St and we all drove off to Pasir Ris for some prawning. Mark is like totally addicted to it.. haha. I didnt wanna prawn but was forced to.. *humph* Fu and i would prefer watching Shutter at Marky's basement.. haha! Zack and Mark were going all over the ponds trying to catch as many prawns. Me? I stayed true to my spot and just prawned from there. Both of them were dishing out advice when i still havent caught my 1st prawn.. "Ju, you should change spot, throw it further out more." "Ju, i think you should change yr bait" *hai.....* Those men. *roll eyes* Prawning is supposed to be relaxing... you watch for that bob in your float, mind wander: "should i buy that jeans or that PS bag?", oh there's a prawn nibbling the bait, let me play it cool until it get hooked, mind wander: "wow that gal in white opposite has big boobs!", ok the bait has sunk, time to flush it out!. See.. relaxing. Honestly. And Fu was like.."Ju... the prawns have to feel your enthusiam." hahahhaha! Still... 3 of us caught a total of 27 prawns, me 11. Go figure. I play it cool. No pressure, no anxiety. That's right.. *nods* At the end of it when things quiet down, it was fun with the 4 of us sitting side by side in a row.. looking at our floats.. Fu smoking away.. i tot the only thing missing was some beer. Not that i like it much but it completes the picture.

OH! We can steam our prawns with beer tonight! We brought 10 back and Marky took the rest home. Zack had caught 1 big snapper as at noon. So tonight's dinner will be prawns and fish! I can boil a pot of soup.

Oh Zacky's coming home with his catch!

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