Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 30, 2008

16 Nov: Offshore Fishing!

At long last! My first offshore fishing trip!.. "after more than 4 years......" *giggles*

Uncle's Freddy's boat was docked at Seletar and wow... it was a throw back to the kampong days :)

check out the toilet.....

it was just a hole in the ground!

you can see/hear the pee/shit dropping down.... hahaha!

Zack all geared up :)

Uncle Freddy's boat...

Zack and Andrew tying the lines...
Andrew brought a rod for me! :D
My sweetheart was going to buy me a fishing rod and reel but guess he dont need to now.. hahaha :P

the kelongs nearby...

an oil rig!

Zack caught something!!!

he caught a blue spotted stingray... and guess what???
it's pregnant!!!
and she gave birth shortly after we caught her!
but the baby didnt make it :(
we released her back to the sea at the end of the trip.
hope she will be blessed with more babies...

Andrew caught a big one but couldnt reel it in.... and it escaped!

thank God for the great weather!


tide was bad that day...
and we didnt catch anything :(
Andrew checked the forecast and it wasnt good for fishing..
but Uncle Freddy was only free that day.

it's alright.. we still had tons of fun! :)

oh i caught a twig.. and a coral... hahaha!

a toad-fish.... it's so ugly! ......with eerie red eyes :S

i got no motion sickness!

Zack had a totally field day! :D
i'm not surprised if the next thing he'd bug me about is buying a boat!
but offshore is way more fun than pond fishing..
cos you'd never know what you might catch..
i'm still waiting for the day i catch a fish.. a proper big one.. not a mini tilapia!

Next Offshore Fishing Trip: 8 Dec (Mon)

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