Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Sunday, November 30, 2008

16 Nov: Offshore Fishing!

At long last! My first offshore fishing trip!.. "after more than 4 years......" *giggles*

Uncle's Freddy's boat was docked at Seletar and wow... it was a throw back to the kampong days :)

check out the toilet.....

it was just a hole in the ground!

you can see/hear the pee/shit dropping down.... hahaha!

Zack all geared up :)

Uncle Freddy's boat...

Zack and Andrew tying the lines...
Andrew brought a rod for me! :D
My sweetheart was going to buy me a fishing rod and reel but guess he dont need to now.. hahaha :P

the kelongs nearby...

an oil rig!

Zack caught something!!!

he caught a blue spotted stingray... and guess what???
it's pregnant!!!
and she gave birth shortly after we caught her!
but the baby didnt make it :(
we released her back to the sea at the end of the trip.
hope she will be blessed with more babies...

Andrew caught a big one but couldnt reel it in.... and it escaped!

thank God for the great weather!


tide was bad that day...
and we didnt catch anything :(
Andrew checked the forecast and it wasnt good for fishing..
but Uncle Freddy was only free that day.

it's alright.. we still had tons of fun! :)

oh i caught a twig.. and a coral... hahaha!

a toad-fish.... it's so ugly! ......with eerie red eyes :S

i got no motion sickness!

Zack had a totally field day! :D
i'm not surprised if the next thing he'd bug me about is buying a boat!
but offshore is way more fun than pond fishing..
cos you'd never know what you might catch..
i'm still waiting for the day i catch a fish.. a proper big one.. not a mini tilapia!

Next Offshore Fishing Trip: 8 Dec (Mon)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

a lazy sat afternoon...

so i slept for a good 14 hours! but with many many dreams in between.. so it wasn't too restful *sigh* i've been having really crazy dreams of late :S i need a good loooooong sleep........

weather today is great and i've done a lot of laundry, just hope it stays this way. Zack is off for his IPPT.. should be starting soon. All the best laogong!!! *muaks* :)

He said we'll be going to East Coast tonight! - for fishing... haha! Just him and Andrew. Rachel and i will having our own picnic ;P

Oh.. did i mentioned i got confirmed? Yayyyy!!! Passed my probation on Wed.. *phew* it was a huge relief.. cant afford an unstable job at this time...

And i've bought travel insurance for our upcoming trip. Reckon i'd better get it done soonest considering what's been happening. My coy had stopped all travel to India and Thailand. SQ had also cancelled some flights to a few destinations (and we are travelling by SQ!). But i dun reckon that place will be affected.. cos terrorist wouldnt gain much by attacking that place.. not much casualty to boast of. Well, just thinking with the mind of a terrorist.. i hope i'm spot on. Okay... 1 down... 1 more item left to arrange!

3 days before i can heave my 1st slight relief..
12 days to the VERY anticipated day!
i'm having so many countdowns lately.. hahaha.

Jeez.. i dunno what else to say.. haha. Maybe i'd take a nap :P
Working on some pics from our offshore fishing.. would be up soon if i can get off my lazy bum.

have a great sat dearies! *waves*

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ohhh.. a kind soul left a snack on my table :) wonder who it is.. Cindy? Fanny? Zenia? *ponders* :)

Sky looks gloomy.. hoping it will pour later. I'm still trying to start my engine.. made a cup of milo mocha.. though i'm really wishing for a yakun fix :( and waiting for Sy's email. We have a standard routine, i will send the last email out every evening cos i leave later and she will send the first cos she starts work earlier. So every morning i look forward to her long long email while nursing my hot morning drink. Our emails keep our day going more enjoyably! When the rest of the gals join in, its more fun!

I just noticed our holiday ticker and realised with a jolt its 3 weeks to Zack's surprise holiday! Life has been a tad busy of late that everything else got pushed to the backseat (off the roof in fact.. haha). So now i'm left with 3 weeks to get a couple of things settled :P

Time to get cracking!
our emails read: TGIW! (Thank God It's Wed!)
i still feel it should read: WGIW! (Why God It's Wed?!)
3 more days to the weekend...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

......and my darling bought me birds nest :)
my nose prickled when i saw what he bought me.. he's like the most doting and loving hubby in the whole wide world! *muaks* :)

the guys are in the next room shisha-ing.
while i'm here doing watever i'm doing.
house still needs some tidying and cleaning.
but at least that big thing in the com room is out in the living room.

tonight is yet another heartwarming night :)

off to bed now.
havent been feeling too good..
scratchy throat, runny nose..
havent been sleeping well..
so i'm wishing for a restful night.

ahhhhhhhh! i'm so clever i cant stand it!!

my boss gave me a very difficult task - write a termination letter.
just a letter you say? It's the worst job HR can do i tell you!
i had a brainwave and managed to get out of drafting that letter + averted a very possible ugly situation + cover the coy's ass + scored big brownie points with my boss and President. My President asked me to do it and i was like.."Sure you make me a manager and i'll do it for you." yeah i said that.. but he was teasing me so he asked for it.

Oh, my boss just came by and said, "Great job, i'm proud of you!" *beams* My last catchup session with him few weeks back was awesome.. he was very pleased with my performance and said many nice things :) The way i handle myself, the situations, my demeanour.. speaks of maturity, competence and efficiency. That he can trusts and rely on my judgement. You don't know how a few kind words can go a long way.. especially when i was having a bit of a tough 2 months. I still am! But to know that your boss appreciates and recognises your effort.. sure keeps you motivated and encouraged. Though i'm now feeling the pressure of keeping up that standard.

So... i'm living by this adage: Be kinder than necessary.. cos everyone is fighting their own battles.

Time to go home!
We're meeting Mark and Fu for dinner tonight at Jalan Kayu. What shall i have there? I dun like the maggi goreng there.. *ponders* Gosh i'm starving!

I'm wrapped in a bubble and nothing can get me down! *beams*
nor am i allowing anything to burst it :)
16 days is a long wait :(
*praying fervently*

Monday, November 24, 2008

Last night was heart-warming and sweet *smile*

Friday, November 21, 2008


*utter shock*
*speechless disbelief*
*tears of joy*
*heartful of love & thanksgiving*

Thursday, November 20, 2008

our home just got cosier!

So after 2 years of cement screeding flooring, we decided to call it quits and change our flooring. I grant you it looks great in photos, but soon you'll tire of that perpetual sandy feel. And having a puppy was a complete nightmare cos the cement absorbs any liquid faster than you can say 'McDonald', which thereafter leaves a mark.. so go figure.



black will be perfect but a pity Jeremiah does not carry black, plus it shows up dirt and fur very well so... :(

i still got a jolt when i came home earlier and saw the dark brown laminate from outside. When i switched on the light, it was such a cosy sight! I grew up in a house floored in marble so i dont exactly appreciate the chill of it.. year-end was a torture :S. Well laminate.. that's different! I use a linseed solution (mopping) just for laminate and it clears any stickiness instantly and adds protection. The 2 gals had better behave!

Now i'm wondering if we should paint our walls.... the cool slate looks a tad off...

Our house needs some nice colorful rugs and carpets. Jeremiah was admiring our pad and asked who designed our house. We did! Our joint efforts *beams* though i secretly think it's my chandelier.. hehe. Zack said his new toy will overshadow my chandelier. We'll see about that.. *smirk*

Okie i gotta mop my new floor before the 2 gals are back! They'll love the laminate. I've never liked them to lie on cement too much cos of the chill.. not good for their little bones.
After 2 days being out of the office, the number of emails that greeted me this morning was astounding! *sigh*

i'm out of here and heading back home!
cant wait! *skips*
we got a new living room.. wooohoooooo!
Zack said it's really nice :)
and Jeremiah gave us a really good price :D

.....should i do it later, tomorrow or sat????

Sunday, November 16, 2008

i think......


that's all i can manage for now.


Maybe...'s because i just about had it. Or maybe it's time i say something. Or maybe i'm tired of giving you 'face' and not wishing to offend you when the courtesy is clearly not reciprocated. Or maybe i decide that i dont wanna be nice anymore. Or maybe i feel like i got slapped in the face when i recall how i tried to defend you when i tot you were misunderstood. Or maybe i've had enough of your snide remarks and insults which goes below the belt. And when my love has been the butt of it? I say.. that's enough.

Or maybe like what everyone says.. your behaviour depicts a sad and sorry life and i should simply take pity on you.. and just end this post.

Did i mention i'm done playing nice? *rolls up sleeves*

Perhaps its a one-way competition that got way out of proportion and proved too much for you to handle.. and perhaps you are so riddled with insecurities, too consumed with jealousy that you feel the need to belittle others and what they have in order to feel better. That you are so intent on being superior to your peers, so terrified of losing out, that you lost the ability to be happy for them. It's perfectly fine if you are unable to.. honestly. But you crossed that line when you feel the need to take it a step further.. to the point of condescension, low blows and snide remarks.

I think i just about had it. I'm quite done with conversations that are insincere and littered with insinuations. When it's just an avenue for hot air blowing, notes comparing, trying to measure and outdo, bragging (frankly, what's there to brag about?) and yes, i'm mentioning it again... snide remarks. Do you not think that i can see right through you? I'm not interested.. not anymore.

I dont know what brought about this change in you. Or maybe i do.. the whole chain process. The influences. And i find it a pity cos i like the old you way better. A real pity.

my advise from someone..."Don't play a fool's game cos if you stoop down to their level, they will always beat you to it."

i've said enough.
i seriously cant be bothered anymore.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Love One Another" motto for this week.
when patience runs thin
and emotions are high.
i'll remember today's sermon: "Love One Another"

back from church!
bought 2 books from Vivo.
now i smell rain in the air...
so it means.. afternoon nap!
and Madagascar 2 tonight at J8!

tomorrow will be looooong day and praying for good weather :)
pray for us too!

nap time!
have a great weekend my dears *waves*

limited edition for a limited time..

So that post was up and had come down.. if u missed it.. sollie! Maybe i might be nice and post it up some weekends when i got nothing interesting to post. Maybe. Zack had been trying to guess where it is so i gave him some clues but he was very dissatisfied with them.. haha.

He wants to know THE COUNTRY of the place!

Clearly he missed the whole point of SURPRISE!

Whatever it is.. i do hope it will render him speechless. People asked me if i'm looking forward to it. It's kinda strange that i'm more concerned that he loves it. Not just happy.. but like totally gaga, over the moon kind. The reaction from those who knows were quite amusing.. hahah.. The excitement from them, their wide-eyed look and screams, "You're taking him to *******?!!!" I think THEY got me more excited! haha. However there was a comment from someone which was odd and... hmmm... he was like..."oh well, i guess with the watch, it evens out." Jeez. "evens out"? I don't know about some couples but our gifts for each other have always been out of love, not out of obligation or worse, repayment. It's never been like 'you give me this, than i will give you that'. When Zack bought me the Omega, he sure wasnt expecting something of equal value back. If so, then i'll 'owe' him this trip twice over! He is getting this trip from his wife simply bcos she loves him, not bcos he bought her an omega and she is trying to 'even things out'. But wow.. it's interesting how some people regard gifts to loved ones differently. I promise you this if you give me that. It's sad cos the whole point of the gift is lost, it cheapens the gift and insults the receiver.

Friday, November 14, 2008

the time is 10 to 6.
and i'm completely beat.
today has been a madhouse.
was tackling 3 issues at one go.. gosh
i need uCrown.
and now its close to 6, most of them had gone home.
i cant get things moving much.
i'm so tired.....


and i'm feeling quite apprehensive about what's arriving at 6.30pm later.....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Moses: "you must talk like a CREAM, walk like a CREAM... BE the Cream!"

...that was what TP's student head (forgot his impressive title) said to my batch of newly recruited PACESETTERS. We were basically ambassadors of the school. It's said to be tough to get in cos they look at your grades and you gotta go for interviews, assessments and what nots. Honestly.. i feel if your grades are pretty okay, you look pleasant enough and they like your personality, you're more or less in.

Interestingly, during one of the activity assessment whereby we form groups and they access how we work together as a team and individual, there was this guy. He speaks well (with a accent, dunno fake or not), very pleasant and nice, appeared dynamic, confident and sharp.. but also bossy with a take-charge attitude. He was like.."They want to see if we are cooperating well so let's do this... do that.. etc" We all thought he was a sure-in.. cos he was like leader quality. But he didnt. He was a reject straight away. The seniors later said he was too sly and cunning and wouldnt fit in. And in my opinion, too slick. When he got the news, turned out he was also a very sore loser. i miss school....

Okay i dont know why i'm talking about this.. hahaha. Must be that Cream thingy. If you havent gotten it, it's 'Cream of the Crop'. I always tot how funny it was when i first heard it.. the walking and talking part. And i was teasing Zack about it last night :P - i'll come to that later.. he got 2 good news! *beams*

Met up with Evelyn last night after work!
i really miss my ex-colleagues... lunched with Theresa and Sam last friday.
we did plenty of catching up and spent all our time yakking away at Pepper Lunch (and my hair stinks!) instead of shopping as planned. She was also lugging her pump (breastfeeding) so it was pretty hard to move around. She proudly showed off pictures of Kaellen.. oh he is such a sweetheart! It's so sweet how she literally glows whenever she talks about him :) I think she makes an excellent mother! As i was gushing over him, as usual, she asked me when is my turn.. hahaha. Not anytime soon.. i got a new job lah.. heh. Come to think of it, Evelyn and i had never yakked so much cos our lunch chats were never enough.

oh... before our dinner, we popped by Pacific Plaza. And i got a new bikini! After a month of contemplating, i finally bite the bullet and bought it! It's pretty pricey from Rip Curl but its so my color!

....i cant resist that coral pink with gold rings and design

As i was too engrossed during dinner, i missed Zack's msgs and miss a chance of a ride home! *pout*

" me when you're about done. I might pick you up cuz i got gd news. Muaks!"

"i'm going for a jog now. Not bringing my hp."

i only saw it when we were done at 10pm and Zack just came back from his run :( *sigh* And i'm not getting him to pick me up after his run.. i'm not so spoilt alright. Anyway, i was more intrigued with his "good news" than my missed ride. He refused to clue me in and kept me in suspense. I oredi knew one from earlier in the day so what's the other one?!!

Z: "What did i do last wed? Where did i go in the afternoon after lecturing in the morning?"
J: "Wat?!! You went somewhere without telling me?!!!"
Z: "You know!"
J: "I do? what? i cant remember.. Just tell me! I dont wanna guess!"
Z: "You even wished me good luck..."
J: "Oh... OMG!!! YOU GOT IN!!!!" *squeals and jumps in joy*

Good News No. 1:
Zack got selected for Level 4 training!! Out of everyone, only 24 got shortlisted to take the entry test. The test was incredibly tough! And out of that 24, only 10 will be selected to undergo the training. Whoa... that makes him the CREAM OF THE CROP! *beams*

Good News No. 2:
Zack is up for promotion next year!!! It's "the one with the gold buttons"! *beams*

In everything we have... we PRAISE THE LORD!
God is good.. all the time... And all the time.. God is good!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

we rushed to meet the 3pm release.
(or rather Zack rushed me. I was about to take my nap *pout)
grabbed Alfie on my way out.
mighty good thing i remembered to charge the batt few days back.

didnt practice any casting this time.
the last time i did, Zack was commenting how his prawn (live bait) was getting dizzy from all my castings *giggles*

the first half was quite onerous.
i was hot, sticky, sleepy.. and the hut wasnt helping much with shielding the sun glare. I dun do heat well so was quite miserable.

come 5.30pm, the sun started to set and it got breezy.
the light was great. i was inspired!
managed to get some pretty good shots and couldnt get any happier!
found a function i had tons of fun with!
just posting some here.. i had like 140 shots.

how that rod bent!

Zack sure looks happy!

see how he cant take his eyes off the bait...

maybe a kiss from moi will do the trick!

just waiting for that bob..