Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So news are trickling out!
Andy asked me yesterday if we'll be taking a holiday soon.. haha. Cant spill the beans yet. But I will spill what i can... for now.

Cos it's a surprise! Zack doesnt know it yet.
It's his surprise bday treat!
he knows i'm taking him somewhere but doesnt know where.
gosh.. it's gonna be real tough keeping it from him for 2 months!
i'm terrified i will accidentally let slip as i yak away.
i told him he will only know where we're going at the airport.. haha

ahhhh.... so Clue #1: We are flying! (i'm hoping out from T3!) - i kinda let it out by mistake!

he tried to dig more.."But i need to know what to pack..."
i countered.."It's ok darling.. i'll pack for you :P"

but i was nice and gave him a few more to whet his appetite:

Clue #2: "I'm taking you fishing"
Clue #3: "It's better than Japan"
Clue #4: "Nope, it's not Thailand (clue#3) and we've not been there before."
Clue #5: "The handful that knows says you are such a lucky guy!"

once i'm certain he wouldnt read my blog for awhile (his schedule is heating up) then i'll spill ALL here! He hasnt come online in awhile already. But everyone has to be sworn to secrecy first! :P That post will only be up for a few days then i'll take it down.

this is so exciting! i'm having so much fun planning it and that look of sheer astonishment on his face is gonna be so worth it! The idea had budded for a long time.. and i managed to siphon off enough to make it come true.. just in time too! :P

sorry.. BitchRant Time:
people are soooo KS for their travel! 3mths and the lowest class fare is fully booked already!!! We have to fly a day later than planned! *arghh!* if not i gotta pay $220 extra per pax! I waitlisted til the latest possible then have to issue the tickets cos the departure dates are snapping out fast. If i were to do a rebooking, i might lose our seats. Now my plan is not perfect *pout*

Everyone is on the move!
the first lot is back.
now second lot is moving out.. woohooo!

Back Home ~ No more trips! haha
Sy: Taiwan
Godma: Turkey

Flying off!
Himmah & Fareena: Bali - next week!
Godma: Dubai - 20 Oct (yes again! tai tai like that one lor.. haha)
Ching: Sydney - end Nov
Zack & Ju: ****** - Dec

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