Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Monday, October 27, 2008

sheesh... sky looks dark :S
and i'm hoping for a sunny day cos i wanna wash my sheets.. *sigh*
my darling is out fishing again! hahahha...

i think i'm supposed to join him but decided to stay home to clean/tidy the house. You know like how during ancient ages where the husbands go out to fish for food while the wives stay home, cook dinner and keep house? Waiting patiently for her husband to come home with the catch for her to cook dinner. Whoa... this feels exactly like it. hahhaa..

(*Zack just called me! He said we shall cook dinner tonight.. he caught 3 fishes already and we shall try the seabass :P He will sell away the other 2)

well... which means i really shouldnt be online blogging and msn chatting!

i'll do a quick one about last night :P

It was so strange how Zack and i both dressed up, go to town.. same resturant... same time but dining with other people! Gosh... our tables were side by side even! hahahhaha....

The gals went for ktv earlier and were late! i was sitting there waiting for them but Zack came over and accompanied me.. *muaks* :). I left an 'angry' msg with Jo which scared them and they came down immediately.. hahhaha! Then when they realised i wasnt angry, i gotta endure their grumblings about missing the last song.. 'You make me wanna'.. tsk tsk.


Zack and his coursemates were seated at the table in the background.

the food is pretty good.. ala carte buffet.. Indonesian cuisine.
all the dishes were placed on warmers.. variety is quite good.
i love the chicken soup and flooded my rice with it.
i'm a soup person and will be happy with just rice and a huge bowl of soup!
we all didnt eat too much which was a waste.
spent too much time yakking to pay much attention to our food.
sy was the only quiet one enjoying her food.
the rest of us were listening to YY talk of her stay in the States.
she doesnt wanna stay there.. hahaha!
visiting is fine, but not to stay there..
(like wat Johnny said, drive 2 hrs for a blardee bowl of noodles!)
gosh she was talking about the CHEAP outlet shopping there..
Coach wristlets for USD20!!!!

so after our dinner, we browsed around Shaw House.
checked out the Coach boutique and enjoyed comparing the prices.
everything in Spore is sooooo ex! tsk tsk....
Alert: we are all moving to the DARK SIDE!
Only Jo is sticking to her guns!

tsk tsk... this is bad.......
we have to convert Jo! Muahhahahha!

seriously speaking... we are a bunch of sensible gals. We will hold out on the evils of consumerism! Amen!

oooh something interesting happened.
We stopped by Bobbi Brown cos i wanna grab a lipgloss. Went to pay for it and was puzzled by this lady who kept staring at me. She then approached me at the cashier and asked if the clutch i'm holding is a Prada clutch. Yes it looks very much like it.. the Nappa Gaufre clutch. But i told her i bought it during an Mphosis sale for $10 - 15 at 50% off! See.. a $15 clutch can pass for a designer clutch! Let me clue you in.... it's not the bag, it's the person carrying it! *gauffaws* (dun be rude okay..)

this clutch talk reminds me of a conversation zack and i had ydae:
after reading an article about the gloomy economy and pay-cutting...
Ju: Darling... we better start saving more and be more thrifty...

30mins later.... while i'm dressing up and cant find a suitable bag...
Ju: i think i need to buy a nice clutch.. these are too small...
Zack: i tot u just said we gotta save and spend wisely? Now you are talking about buying a clutch?
Ju: ..............................
(you dont HAVE to remember everything i say you know....)

Part 2 of our night:

drinks @ Borders Bistro

Jo made all of us chocolate truffles, with a sweet note :)
twas so sweet of her!
and the truffles were great - but i shouldnt have asked her what goes in there!

was touched by her note..
and you are most welcome.. that's what friends are for!
glad things are going great and you had a blast last night :P
last night was no time for heart-to-hearts.. we will do one soon!

Sy didnt wanna be in the pic so she is tasked to take the pic.
it turned out well so i'm to blog that SHE is the one who took this shot!

but i still dragged her in for a shot.. haha.
our new hair!

i reckon no one noticed how gorgeous the ceiling is.... *gazes*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha... looks like we missed out on a really beautiful ceiling.

Hmmm you actually noticed I am still sticking to my guns!? :P

Anywae, enjoy the truffles... it wun make you go out of shape! Really! :P
