Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

the onion post.

6 Oct:
havent had much of an inclination to blog recently.
started a couple but never did finish them.
busy busy... lazy lazy....

the sky is gloomy.
i wish it pours big time.

havent been up to much lately.
caught up with my sleep.
i met up with with Sylvia! :D
i actually did a post but somehow didnt post it.. haha
so i shall cut and paste here:

1 Oct:
so i had the most fabulous time last night! Had a long overdue catching up with Sylvia *grins* It's been too long! You know some friends which you've not met in ages, yet when you do, it seems like its just yesterday you were yakking away. And Sylvia has always been one of my most steadfast friends.. always there as a listening ear, never fail to remember my bday. I'm very much ashamed that i've not made much of an effort in keeping up. I've always been somewhat passive yet there are a few people who have touched me deeply and Sylvia is definitely one of them.

In many ways, Sylvia reminds me alot of Zack. They are both very selfless and are such wonderful friends.. they love their friends and family and sometimes they do get taken advantage of. As i told Zack (and last night Sylvia), they will be blessed.. very much. And i believe their love have secured them faithful friends. And those friends that had wronged/despised/taken advantage of them.. it's on them. I believe in karma.

I'm trying to convince Sylvia to take up photography so we can be shooting buddies! hehe..

oh oh.. and i sat in her little red riding hood! wooohoooooo! :P

then there's something else but i cant blog it right now.
it's actually TOP SECRET but the number of ppl who knows is growing! Damn!
i'm planning something... and things seem to be right on schedule.
had the idea a year back and it's coming to fruition!
and a dearie gave me an excellent suggestion.
its the cherry on top of the ice-cream.
i think he will be overjoy :P
Overjoy?? That'll be an UNDERSTATEMENT!

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